Monday, July 30, 2007

Last Minute


I slept in late today; Until 10 a.m.

The first thing I did was get up and take a shower. I was so tired last night when I came in. I didn't even update my blog!


The apostrophe key on my laptop is going out! I just got this thing at the end of January!!

It wasn't cheap either.

I had to make some flyers today. Ugh.. It was for a good cause; for my church :D

Once again, it rained hard today. I have to admit that it didn't rain for a long time. Probably about 10 minutes.

I'm going to get a postcard from Hungary everyone! I can't wait.

My teeth are doing so much better. I haven't had trouble in a week.

I HAD ICE CREAM TODAY. Only about 2 spoonfulls, but I had it, and I haven't had any in a year! Maybe longer. I cannot eat it because I get nausea real bad. I guess that's called lactose intolerant. I ate just a little, and I had forgotten the taste. That is horrible I can't eat it. Some people would die if they were in my position. I ate Strawberry.

I just another friend to make a blog. This is my third one. I am good at this. Haha. I am getting Blogspot some business.

I am really surprised I didn't just forget about this. I am working on my third month with this!

I actually made my goal.

Oh look at these new Hungarian words I learned:

"Fuggony" Curtains
"Naptej" Sunmilk!
"Fonok" Boss
"Kiraly" Cool (I think.)

I can't remember if that last one is right or not but. I might be able to spell them, but I can't prounounce them too good! Just ask Peter Hahahaha.

This is the Friend's Blog.

Tonight We had this last minute get together just like last night.. It was fun I have to admit, but so tiring. All I wanted to do when I got home was do some Yoga.

I have to get up early tomorrow. My sleeping in days are over. I knew they would end fast, but not this fast. I am going to miss them. At least I got one last one in for the team. *Sniff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

howdy yall!!!!!44
yeah you remember right :)
you're király :D get it krunk