Friday, July 6, 2007

Shaolin or Xioalin?

It was a little ordinary today.

Not much went on, but I did seem to get a LOT of sleep. You know that never happens.

Movie News: "Transformers" breaks boxoffice record. I was so shocked. It said it even beat all the "Pirate" movies.

LOS ANGELES -- Hollywood's box office record books have been transformed. The sci-fi adventure "Transformers" had an unprecedented Tuesday haul of $27.4 million in its official debut, beating a record of $15.7 million set last year by "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest."

It has already been put into IMDB's Top 250 best movies--ever. Com'on people! It has only been out 3 days! Is it really that good? I wasn't the only one to question this move. People had been giving it ten stars weeks before it even came out. Who has actually seen it?

Right now, I am watching "Shaolin Soccer." Is it Shaolin? or Xioalin? I think they change the name of it so us Americans can pronounce it. It is a really good movie--honest. I think that I want to add this one to my hall of fame, or "Best Movies Eva!" I should make a post about that one day.

This is one of those movies where the special effects are so lame that it is funny. I think it is intentional too. There is one part where the opposing team is running so fast that they are flying in mid-air; someone asks, "How do they do that?" One of the brothers says, "It must be the special effects."

Stuff like that cracks me up. It is so literal. I love it.

Anyway, it's a good movie. You should watch it. Not to mention that one guy's uncanny resemblance to Bruce Lee:

Notice the black and yellow jumpsuit? Game of death right there baby.

Too good.

Stephen Chow wrote, directed, and starred in this film. He is great. First movie I have seen by him. Remember: this week was "Kung Fu" week on SpikeTv. I am going to watch "Kung Fu Hustle" on Sunday. It is supposed to be good. I am going to see for myself.


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LLL0110 said...

Hello! I don't understand Portuguese that well, but I know some of it from Spanish! I will add a blog roll! That is a fantastic idea.