Saturday, July 7, 2007


Oh the joys of going to bed at 4:30 in the morning, and having to get up for work at 6:50!

That is exactly what happened, I am going to have to post about it tomorrow, because right now, I'm getting ready to leave town. Just for one night. I am going to bring my camera this time, don't worry!

For breakfast this morning, I went to go get a Hippo, and I had forgotten how big those things were! So good though. Fills you up twice. That along with a Tropical Tango smoothie.. Hits all the right spots. Except my thighs.. and I didn't take a picture. DANG.

Hey it's tomorrow.

Yesterday was a blast. We were going to go to this place in town called "Julian's" I think, but something came up, so we had an old fashioned tea party!

Yeah, it's pretty interesting to get up and make cinnamon rolls at 12 at night, and drink Jasmine tea, and talk about life and memories.

I must say, this was a fattening weekend. They might look all nice and sweet, but I have a secret: We burnt the bottoms.

You should have seen me drink that tea for the first time. It was so bitter, but then we got used to it. I was making some of those Sour Patch Kids' faces.

Last night, I had another one of those strange nightly toothaches. This time, it woke me up at 6, and kept me awake about 2 hours. I was mad as Madea.

I went searching for medicine like crazy, but being away from my house, there was none. I had to go brush my teeth super hard; so hard, my gums started bleeding. It worked though. Weird.

I'm starting to get worried about it now. You know all the health defects that can come from the lack of dental care? Serious ones. You can get heart disease from a cavity. No joke. Look it up.

Whoops. I need to hurry up and update the 8th's. I am getting the two days mixed up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're blog be funny.