Monday, July 23, 2007


Oh wow, yesterday was hectic. I left at the last minute.

I FINALLY got home this afternoon at about 5 p.m, and I was exhausted.

Right now, I am listening to the Spanish Ricky Martin cd. I'm seeing how good he is. Remember that band Menudo? From the 80's? I do. Hehe, he is the only one that lived after that. His Spanish album isn't that bad. I like a couple of songs. I am going to add them to my library of Music.

Has anyone read that last Harry Potter book?

I haven't.

I don't like Harry Potter.

I know some people that are obsessed. They dress up for the release of the new book. It's so sad how crazy people go for a bunch of words on paper.

Today, I watched "Nacho Libre." My hermana is in love with that movie, and I watched it today. I have seen it a lot of times.

Yesterday exhausted me out so bad. I still didn't get to take a nap though. Right after I got home, all I had time to do was eat some food, because Lauren and her sister wanted to go out to the movies. My sister and all of us went out and watched that cute little children's movie "Surf's Up." It was funny. I saw you should watch it.

Wow, ok, so what did I do today? Umm.. Be busy.

I have to admit, I would rather be out doing something or working 24/7, than staying at home. I love going out with friends and being social, but with all that rain and bad weather last week, it was so hard to do.

I have a 10 o'clock manditory meeting I have to go to tomorrow morning. I forgot all about it. That forces me to take my morning track session earlier. It takes about 3 hours for me to leave my bed and then get back to it. I only have track sessions when I am not working, because when there is work, I have to get dressed at 7.

By the time it takes me to get out of bed and leave the house, get there, go around the track once or so, and then do some other things, get breakfast (on some days), get back home, take a shower, and then EAT breakfast, is aproximately 3 hours and 30 mintues. It all depends on how long the track session is.

It is so good for you though.

I love it.

I guess If anyone was wondering what I did at a track session, well now you know! It isn't easy stuff, but then again, what is in life?

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