Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Little Hungarian

This is a creation we did yesterday:

Once upon a time in a country named Landnever, there were two friends, a boy and a girl: The boy's name was Retep, and the girl's name was Hael.

There was a distance between them. Now when I say distance, I mean, they lived far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far away from each other, but they were still best friends.

They grew up together, but one day Hael had to move even farther away do a different country named Acirema. It was a sad, sad day for the best friends, and so they vowed never to forget each other.

"WAIT!" cried Retep.

"There has to be a way that you can remember me by.."

So he ran fast as he could to his home, and brought back a kitten that he named Gary. "For you." he said.

Retep had wrapped a note around the kitten's collar.

"Don't read it until you are there," Retep said.

Hael cried many tears, as they said their last goodbyes.

Once she arrived to her new home, she put the kitten down, and took out the note..

It read: This is the Pact of Friendship: "No matter where you go, what you do, I will never forget you. You are always in my dreams, and in my prayers. I will miss you, and I know you will miss me. It is going to be hard, but never forget the pact. We are still getting stronger each and everyday."

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