Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday Brunch.

Jeez, I didn't get up until about 9:13 a.m. I went back to sleep too. I had church today.

It was raining so hard last night! I was surprised my windows didn't blow up! It was raining that hard. Seriously. It kept waking me up, but then I though, "We ain't havin' this," and I went right back to sleep.

Everything was wet outside, but that was soon dried up by that scorching heat. It is already the middle of Summer, and that means it is just getting hot. That also means it is almost over, then Christmas will be here, and I will be dead broke.

I guess I should appreciate the heat now. I'm glad it is here in the Summer than like a few years ago, it was about 90 Degrees F on Christmas day. It was so strange, because the year before that, it had snowed! Where I live, it never snows down here.

Happens about once every 16 years. Seriously. That last snow before that one in 2004 was in 1989!

I ate breakfast at lunchtime, so I guess my title is appropriate today. I ate good too.

I slept a while this afternoon. I wasn't even tired though. I just went to sleep. I guess I still wasn't over that all night run I endured Thurday night. Never again. Ok, maybe once.

Oh yes, tomorrow is Monday. Darn. I not sure if I like Mondays or not. So hard to get back into weekly habits. All I do know is, I am going out Monday night. BOWL TEXAS. Last time I went there, it was for a children's birthday party. I felt so awkward. Ha. But I am going to be going with some buddies, and we are going to rent out two lanes and have a good time. Don't you think I deserve stuff like this once in a while? I think I run so much, I wear myself out. It's good to go out and 'mingle.'

Tonight I watched "Jurassic Park." I remember those movies from the 90's. I had no idea Juliann Moore was in that! And that other guy, I can't remember his name.

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