Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm scared

I was watching the news, it was an accident, I square, and then there was this story that came on about a cat that could predict someone's death. The cat lived at a Nursing home, and he was adopted as a kitten by the nurses. Everyone believes that he can predict the deaths. When someone is about to die, he can tell because he goes and curls up beside them, as if to say his good-byes. Isn't that something? And then an hour or two later, that person dies. They seem to think this is no coincidence because it has happened 25 times. That's one mythical cat.

You know what.. I think coincidence is a hard word to spell. I mean, it's easy yes, but I don't really think about how to spell it. I tend to spell it wrong. I thought it was spelled like this 'coincedence.' That looked wrong, so I went and looked it up. I was off by one letter.

Oh man. Did you know that that Contortion and Gymnastics is the best thing since sliced bread? It's true. In my opinion at least.

I was looking at contortion videos today, and then tonight too. I decided to try some just for fun, and I am way more flexible than I thought I was! I can almost put my foot past my head, backwards. I will have to take pictures. Not tomorrow, because I will be busy. Ok, maybe tomorrow. I was so shocked! It felt so weird, and now my muscles are tingling! I can't believe I didn't break anything! This is amazing.

You should see some of the videos I watched. They will blow your mind!

GAH. The forecast shows Thunderstorms for the next week or so. I'm scared.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning at around 9 a.m. I am going to be gone pretty much all day. I don't even know if I will have time to make it home before gymnastics. I might have to go straight over there from Sweeny. (The town I'll be in all day.)

Some friends want to go to the movies. Sorry guys! I'll be open Saturday though!

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