Saturday, July 14, 2007

Gourmet For Leah.

I had so much sleep last night, it was too good to be true.

私の名前はリアです。 <-- Random Japanese. It says, "My name is Leah."

Knowing how tired I was Friday, I knew that sleep was going be soo good.

I think I slep about 11 hours. That is such a change from my normal 4.5 hours! Maybe not even that much, but I kept waking up drowsy. I went to sleep at 12:30, and then, I woke up at about 5 (Body clock working it's stuff.) and I felt something crawling all over my arms, so I through a fit.

Ok. You know how when you feel something crawling on you, you jump around? I did that, but I did it half asleep, so it was kinda weird. I remember this too, because I kicked the window that was by my bed.

I could have sworn I busted a hole in it, but I guess someone was looking out for my wallet, because there was not a bust there.

So I got up and went to the Living room to sleep on the couch. I didn't even want to bother with bugs in my sleep.

Remember the ants?

Yeah, NO MORE. I woke up a few more times, then went to sleep again and again, finally getting up completely at about 11:45 a.m.

Right now, I am listening to this KAT TUN song "Le Ciel." It's a really good song, except for the rapping. I just don't think that sounds so good in Japanese.

I had a gourmet sandwich today. SO GOOD. I don't even know what it's called, but it was good.

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