Thursday, July 12, 2007

Speed Bumps.

Ah! What a day. It was pretty good.

I went to Walgreens this morning, because I needed some stuff for the house. It was so hot! I don't know the actual temperature, but, I was sweating just sitting in the car! I was so glad to get in the store.. it was nice and cool, I didn't want to leave.

I cleaned a little today. Once again though, I got too lazy to finish it. I ended up taking a nap! So sad.

I woke up about 2 hours later. "The Mummy" was on the screen. Is that a good movie? I remember when that came out. You can tell that is fake. Not even scary one bit.

Yeah, I ended up sleeping through half of it. Whoops.

I think there might be a bug going around on MSN messenger. Just saying. Be careful.

I was planning on seeing "The Scorpian King" but, I was out when it came on. I came back, and I had forgotten all about it.

YOU HAVE GOT TO TRY: A Pizza Hut P'zone. Those are too good. So filling! They beat out the Hippos by a mile stone!

The abundantly stuffed P’Zone Pizza fuels you up and dares you to eat it all. The P’Zone Pizza weighs in at more than a pound and has savory toppings and cheese sealed inside a folded-over 12-inch pizza crust. Served with a side of marinara sauce.

That thing was so good. I could only eat half of it. It was just so savory and delicious. I advise you get the Pepperoni like me. SO GOOD.

Right now, I am listening to "Dakishimetai" by K. It is such a great song, and he sings the famous "Only Human" song that came on when you entered my page. It is so great. I love his voice and his music.

After dinner, I went to the park. It was getting late, and the Mosquitos were attacking me so bad. Eating me alive!

My hermana and I thought of this: You know you're fat when: You are walking, and you can't make it over the speed bump. It was so sad. I was too full to make it over.

I'm going to try to go to sleep early tonight, because I am going to have some company tomorrow. They are going to be coming in early. Believe it or not, 4:30 to 5:00 a.m they are going to ARRIVE. Of course, I have to be up the greet them. Did I spell greet right? It looks weird to me. I hate when that happens. I forget how to spell simple words like "greet." That still looks weird. It isn't "great" because that is a whole different word. Weird.

Which reminds me.

I might be going into Italian soon.

I am a little excited. It will be my fourth language! Once I get to Chapter 18 in my Japanese lesson book, I am going to start Italian. It won't be as hard as some completely random foreign language like.. I don't know.. Serbian. Some people don't even know where that is. Sad. I could Tell you where most countries are, and their capitals. That is just something I remember.

My best quality would be memory. I might not remember little things like when it's time to take the cookies out of the oven, or when the tv movie is coming on, but for some reason, I remember weird things like, the location of Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein. Strange.

Anyway, like I was saying. It won't be as hard to learn because it is a lot like Spanish. Not too much, but enough for me to get around a little bit without even knowing a lick of Italian.


I wanna see what's so romantic about it.

People say that Italian is a romantic language.

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