Friday, July 27, 2007

Good Day!

Kitto hajimaru BRAND NEW DAYS! Just like it says. I love that song by the way.

Man, I had a good day today. It was just. Ugh. I needed a good day for once. These don't happen that often either.

Despite the down at Gymnastics today, I do believe I am on cloud nine.

I went to work, and it almost rained on us, but no cigar. :D

Got paid.

You know what that means.

And it's Friday too, my favorite day of the week.

I bet you didn't know that.

You do now.

It was so weird because last night I figured out I could do contortion. I mean, I know I posted about it, but I didn't know I could actually DO it. It was CRAZEH. I got pictures of it..

I'm surprised myself that my spine didn't crack. Like my Spongebob pillow? Hehe.

Don't mind my dirty house.. haha. Told you I never clean.

So I had gymnastics today. Guh, it was the same divertido like it always is, EXCEPT, I got so frustrated, I wanted to scream bloody murder. I just can't put one simple move together, and it's tearing me apart.

Other than that, the usual.

Work was easy. Like I said got paid.

I forgot to eat today.

I ate some rice crispies this morning, and Mcdonalds tonight. Lunch was skipped all together. Working too hard I guess?

My tooth is doing better; I think those antibiotics are working :D

You know that cat story? It was on CNN! It's blowing up. That kat is going to get famous.

Did I just spell cat with a 'k?' Oh yes I did!

GOOD NEWS! I am going to go see "Hairspray." The movie. Just don't know when, but soon!

I heard it wasn't even about what they advertise it as. Hollywood must have lied.

HOLLYWOOD LIES?! The end is near!

Josephine called me a little while ago, and asked me to come help her clean out her new house tomorrow so she can move in next week. That will be better than that apartment she was going to get because this house is down the road from me! Sweet!

Anyway, she asked me to come over and clean out the house, and work on the outside of it. It belonged to her grandpa. He is still alive, don't worry, it's just that he doesn't live in it. So he gave it away.

Did you know my name day was March 22th? Thanks Pastel! :D

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