Tuesday, July 10, 2007

New Hair

Man, today I had to start taking these Amoxicillin antibiotics for my gums and teeth, so they wouldn't get an abscess.

It's getting worse.

I really should go get them worked on.

I had a snowcone today. It has been a while. If you would look to your upper-right..

But today, I went outside the box and got a Black Cherry and Blue Hawaii. GOOD. It will never beat the watermelon.

Don't mind my Piano music under that. I was in a hurry. I wanted to finish that snowcone off.

I randomly took out Josh Groban's "Closer" cd, and listened to it today. I don't know if I ever noticed all the different languages on it, but it contained: English, Spanish, Italian, French, and what might have been Portugese, but I'm not sure. I was just "WOW." The last time I have fully listened to it I don't believe I knew Spanish then. I listened to "Si Volvieras A Mi" and it was so.. so.. pretty! I mean. I never noticed the lyrics before, but I guess since I understood.. I can't say that much for the other languages. Sometimes I am not even completely sure of the ENGLISH.

Remember when I got attacked by ants? Well, I woke up this morning, with a bunch of bites all over my arms and legs. No ants. Weird. It was pretty obvious that these bites were from ants, because there is just no mistaking an ant bite; they itch, they burn, and they even swell up like a balloon.

Even now, they are itching. Long lasting too. I was looking around in my carpet today, and I saw a bunch of them in random places. That means that there is a source somewhere. I don't want them to attack. Maybe they are getting revenge from that massacre I had earlier last week.

Speaking of massacre.

I have some bad news.

Those cute little kittens I snuck pictures of are leaving one by one. There was 4, now there are only 2. I am presuming that they are dead, because the other 2 and the mom are still here, but 2 aren't.

This is a hard subject for me to talk about because I love cats, and kittens.

The first one gone, was the little black one. I don't know where she is, but she dissappeared about 2-3 weeks ago.

The second to dissappear was a little tan one with orange eyes. She dissappeared about last Thursday. The day after the 4th, when I returned home.

I'm pretty sure she's dead.

Reason being: when I returned home. The neighbors stupid pitbull got loose, and was running around the neighborhood, and then went under my house, where the kittens stay. I caught him under there, and he was scratching around under there, and then at the floor of the house, and it was beginning to tick me off. He soon was lured out of there with some barbeque left-overs.

Monday: Only two kittens show up, and it is beginning to smell foul around the house. NO mistaking the smell of death. Seriously. Especially an animal.

Tuesday Morning: I wake up, and after that ant attack, I begin to smell something foul; at first I thought it was me, but I was clean. I get up and go to the kitchen and it smells like something rotted. No joke. It was terrible. I thought I was going to loose the breakfast I hadn't even eaten yet.

I don't even want to attempt to look under there where the body might be.

Good thing I wasn't close to the cats, or I would have gone over and killed that dog with my bare woman hands. No Joke.

I hit Walmart tonight, to get some stuff for me.

I did my hair tonight, and now it is going to look all different. I decided to go with bangs again. I think I look good with them. Here is a sample:

That was a year or so ago, but it looks alright. Now, they are past my nose. The weird thing about these pictures is, I usually smile. I have a big smile, and I love to smile, but I don't know. I have been serious lately.

Did you know smiling is contagious?

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