Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I feel like such a theif.

I downloaded so much music. I really hope the government doesn't read this.

Today was so great. I was home, and it didn't rain as bad as it did at the beginning of this week. We probably won't have to work the rest of this week. Isn't that great?

Yo! Tomorrow is the 4th of July! Can you believe that? This year is almost over! It feels like it just started right? Before you know it, Christmas will be here.

I didn't go to bed till about.. I'd say.. almost 5. Around 4:45 am. That is even later than when I was watching "Remember The Titans."

I made another trip to the track today, so you know what that meant. 7 am, up and ready. After we left the track, I spotted this little shop that is down the road from my house. It is a taco shop, and right next to it is a burrito stand, and a Mini Cafe. I think they are family owned. Well, ever since I moved into this house, I was curious about that place, and I was interested in going. I never found the time though. On top of that, my stomach was about to rupture with hunger. I was so hungry! I didn't eat hardly anything yesterday, it was weird. I wasn't hungry at all. Well, I hadn't eaten anything this morning, and then we went to the track, and I guess the energy left me. I was so fatigued! (Is that a word?) So we made our first stop. Looked like the inside of someone's house with a counter and lunch tables. This was my kinda place!

I looked over, and there was this lady eyeballing us. I just hate it when people stare.

Anyway, we ordered what was called, "Hippo," and it was a mexican breakfast burrito with eggs, beans, cheese, onions, sausage, Chorizo, bacon, and all kinds of other stuff. It was so good. I'm sure by the size of that thing, I probably gained a good 10 pounds after eating it.

We were just about to make our leave, when we were stopped by that lady that was giving us the looks. She turned out the be a Jehovah's Witness. *Darn, run while you can!* She asked us for our names, and introduced herself, and invited herself to sit down. *Trapped* She begin talking and giving us tracks. *There's no way out!* Hippo was rolling over, if you know what I mean. She kept us there for a good 45 minutes, the LEAST. After a good ten minutes she starts into attempting to give us a bible study--in a burrito shop. *She's going for the kill!* She began pushing her ways on to us, and telling us what we should do in life. *The end is near.* Personally, I was really wanting to get home, because that . I wanted to leave so bad. I begin picking up our trays and dumping the trash in the middle of her conversation with us. *We might be able to make it out of here alive.* She begins to ask us for our addresses, and phone numbers. Persistant old coot. She begin to stand up and grab her coat. *I see the light!* After we left in kind of a breeze, we let out all the laughs that we gathering up in our guts. *We just survived a near-death Attack!* Then that's when this got totally creepy. Crazy lady and her friend had gotten in their car, and were passing us up, and heading towards my house! She was going to look for my house! She was stalking me! Before I was even there! I was totally creeped out. *There's no stopping it!*

You know to tell you the truth, I have nothing wrong with Jehovah's witnesses, or any religion for that matter.

It's just that when they go THAT far, I have a problem. There is this thing called personal space. She definately jumped all into that.

Creepy old coot.

On a lighter note, I was so relaxed today. I watched a couple movies: "The Animal" and "Are We There Yet?"

I went to go see the ratings for these movies at the IMDB, and they weren't too high. People were saying that it was lame, and a shame to Hollywood. I've seen this movie before, and I thought it was ok!

Also, "Are We There Yet?" didn't get that many happy reviews either. It was actually rated one of the worst movies in the world.

I was appualled! I thought it was a really cute movie!! The kids were so adorable! Bad, but cute. I laughed some too. People were angry that they made a sequel. The sequel was the Database's 30th WORST movie ever--Sad.

Tomorrow, I will either post in the morning, or not even post at all because I will be partying at Josephine's crib. It will be fun fun fun. In a few weeks, she told me she is going to be moving in an apartment in town. So exciting!

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