Thursday, June 21, 2007


So annoying. Stupid Laptop. I just typed three paragraphs, and it just deleted it. I don't know why it keeps doing this to me. I guess it is just the bad luck. I don't need anymore of that right now, sheesh.

I got 5 dozen outta my cookies today. Pretty nice I'd say. The very first one I burnt. I kept them in there a minute longer. Just a MINUTE, and they burned. Stupid cookies. I guess it is the luck.

Gymnastics tomorrow. Better do good. I have a lot to do tomorrow actually. It is going to be pretty busy with the sale, and then I have to go to LJ for All American. What a day.

I didn't eat too much today. I think that is because all the oatmeal again. Jeez. I ate so much of it, I got a belly-ache. I couldn't eat anything else! I'm suprised I didn't turn into oatmeal. I made the dough, and since it is whipped, you have to put it in the daidokoro for an hour. In the meantime, I was watching the "Majestic" as I was cooking. I came in about 20 minutes into the movie. I didn't know how much I missed, but I had never seen this one, and being a movie lover like I am, I couldn't pass it up. I came in on the part where he was laying on the beach, and some wrinkly old guy finds him, and starts poking at him. I don't know how many commas I just used in that sentence. Anyway, it was a good movie I suppose, one of Jim Carrey's few serious roles. I know right?! Serious. Jim Carrey. It is impossible to put those two words in the same sentence; I had to put periods! But yes, it was pretty intense. He even cried when there was a death in the movie. I am not going to say who, because you might have not seen it yet! That is my creation. The top one of course. My hermana made the bottom. Not too bad for a first timer eh? It is Pumpkin Bread. Love that stuff.

I am not sure how long this one is going to be. I need to go sleepy bye soon. You know my bad morning skills. Terrible I say.

I got all physical tonight, and tried to fix this old broken piano, so I could play on it. It took me approximately 20 minutes to examine, and figure out what EXACTLY was wrong: The piano was terribly out of tune. (Took me .5 seconds to figure that one out) A few keys were broken, and some were jammed. I started searching around in it to see if I could fix the tuning problem; I saw them fix an out of tune piano in the Majestic. :) I examined the keys on the inside for any suspicious happenings. The broken ones appeared to be just like the normal ones. I got on the floor, may I remind you, that I have never attempted to fix a piano before, or ever been in any such situation where I had to learn how, and looked under for a closer look. Everything appeared fine.

I was on edge trying to figure out what was wrong. Then I spotted it. I moved back the built in Piano cover, and saw chipped and cracked keys! Just what I was looking for. I scrounged up some masking tape, two scissors, and a good helping of elbow grease for the job. Long story short, I failed, but that didn't keep me from playing "Wind of Life" by Joe Hisashi!

Time to make my leave, but tomorrow is a new day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A good article Thank you!