Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Kiss of the Dragon

Today was a peculiar day, in which I slipped a little more into madness.

I did manage to advance to the 6th page of "Only Human" though.

Can you believe this?? I mean.. I only have 2 more lines!! I have been working on this piece for almost 3 months! It is the fastest I have ever completed one! I didn't really want to sit at the piano and play, but I felt I needed to get that out of the way so I could move on to other things.
Whenever I am not able to figure out things, or finish them, I get so irritated; I am a perfectionist, you see, and that is why so much of my things have to be in tip top shape. Of course, me being so lazy and all, it is not always going to be perfect, but I REALLY try to get everything done to suit my needs.

I cooked some weird sausages tonight. Swedish. The way I cooked and prepared them was really neat. I think. It had a little oriental kick to it..

Not bad actually.

Oh the gore! Oh the blood! Oh the--needles?

I saw this movie about 3 times, and today was the first time I fully watched it. You know me, I love me some action-packed kick butt movies, but I saw some stuff in there.. Jeez. They don't hold back! This one guy gets ripped in half by a flamming laundry shoot, another gets his neck cracked in half by a full body-slam, and another gets chopsticks shoved through his neck. OH! And I can't forget the best of them all.. At the end, the ****** not going to say, because "You might not have seen it yet" drowns in their own blood, by it all rushing to their head.. and staying there.


This is caused by Jet Li sticking these special "Acupuncture Needles" (Spell Check) and sticking one in a certain part in the back of their head. Then, the person is instantly paralyzed, and the blood continues to flow to the brain, where it stays.

Jet Li says, "Blood from your whole body goes to your head... it stops there... never comes down. But soon, it will come out of your nose, your ears, and even your eyes... and then... you will die... painfully... This is called the 'Kiss of the Dragon'."

Love that Jet Li. He could be a great story-teller.

Yes.. by now, as you probably may have guessed, Jackie Chan is my favorite Asian Actor. He is so funny, and his jokes aren't corney like some around. I love him with other comedians. I am just laughing my guts out. Hey look! Without needles!

You know, Jackie Chan made a cartoon show about himself. Now THAT'S rich. I have to admit though.. I liked it. :D

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