Wednesday, June 13, 2007

That Darn Phantom!

Well I just got done watching the "Phantom of the Opera," and boy was it good. This isn't the first time I have seen it, but the first time I watched all of it.

Yes, it was a delight, and I just wish I could remember the words to both the songs "Think of Me" and "The Point of No Return". Both stunning pieces.

This whole movie experience would have been even more delightful if people wouldn't have kept on interrupting me. Jeez. Every five seconds, SOMETHING came up. All day nobody could seem to pick up the phone and dial my number, or come over, or anything. But the ONE time I am actually doing something, EVERYONE seems to find my number. Sheesh.

This is my second blog for today. I do wish it could be a tad bit longer, but I must bid farewell. I need to sleep. That's always nice on the eyes. Speaking of eyes, righty has been acting ugly ALL day. It keeps itching, and burning. I think I must have an allergic reaction to something in my house, but this non-stop itching is repulsive. It is really becoming a bother.

If you don't want to get the movie ruined for you don't read this point on:

Alrighty, at the end of the movie, the Phantom is revealed, and when I say revealed, I mean it. He looked like someone took a dump on his face. Thank goodness it is just a movie. Poor guy. Then he goes all psycho and tries to kill Christine's secret lova. She ends up making out with the Phantom! And that was the point when I realized she had completely lost it. Either that or she is just a skank, and that isn't that bad of an idea either, seeing that anyone who sings to her she would give them the night, if you catch my drift.

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