Sunday, June 24, 2007

我的名字是 Leah

The above text says "My name is Leah" in Chinese.

"Oh Leah! You know Chinese too!? You are just amazing!"

I know.

However, I do not know Chinese. I have a buddy that is trying desprately to teach me, but he did get a little successful today.

"Ni Hao" Means Hello. I already knew that though. He was in awe. He thinks I am just so smart. Lol.

Wo de ming zi shi..
My name is..
Ni jiao shen mo ming zi?
What is your name?

I always thought it was hard. I guess it is not. I think it is just the pronounciation. The sentence structure doesn't look that complicated. That is the thing with me and languages. I can read it sure, but I just need to know how to pronounce it. I could go 5 years learning a language, and end up pronouncing everything wrong. There would be no use for it. I asked Lee what was the pronounciation for the letters. He told me "A" like in "Bus". Weird, I know, but Chinese is a funky little language. I think that along with French go hand in hand.

I just so happened to learn a little bit more French today, only this time, it is more in depth:

Bonjour - Hello. Traditional Phrase. Used in America as well as Disney's Beauty and The Beast.
Pronounciation: Like BOWL without the "L". PLUS SHORE.

Comment t'appelles-tu? - What is your name? One of the very first French phrases I learned.
Pronounciation: Como (Like in Spanish) PLUS the "TA" in "TOT" PLUS "Pale" PLUS "TOO" from "tooth."

Je m'appelle.. - My name is.. Great way to trick people into thinking you speak French.
Pronounciation: A combined J+Z+E sound PLUS "MA" in "MOP" PLUS "PALE" again.

Et Toi? - And You? Was so easy to learn because it looks a lot like the Spanish "Y Tu?" They both mean the same thing. Things like that make this job so easy.
Pronounciation: E like in "E.T" PLUS "Too" like in "tooth" again PLUS "A" in "TOT"

I learned a smidget more, but I don't feel like putting the rest. I did a lot more today than that.

I got a complement on my piano playing tonight. I play for my church, and I have been playing there for a few months now. I am suprised someone said anything. I mean, yeah, I am an ok player. I am not perfect or anything. I play by music better than I do by ear, AND I have good days, and bad days, but I guess this was a good day, because they were really REALLY impressed.

"Wind of Life" is coming along. I have had it for over a year, and I just started playing it less than a month ago, and now.. I am almost to the third page. Not bad for a person who is learning 4 songs at one time, and who taught themselves how to play piano.

Yeah that's right, I taught myself. My mother took piano classes when she was younger, but at the time when I wanted to learn when I was younger, she didn't feel like teaching me. I see where I got my laziness from!

So I took this cheap $50 keyboard we bought off of some old couple, and taught myself, starting with "Middle C."

Afterwards, I hunted down some easy sheet music for me to read, and gradually I went from simple C chords to more complex items like I don't know.. Bethoveen? Pachelbel?

I am currently working on "Only Human" by K, "Waltz of Chihiro" by Joe Hisaishi, "Wind Forest" by Joe Hisaishi, and "Wind of Life" by Joe Hisaishi. You can find all of these samples at, or go listen to my first internet attempt at playing on my Personal YouTube

All are amazing pieces, and I hope I learn them soon!

If you have any specific pieces you would like to hear played, by me, don't be shy to ask! You can send me copies, or just send me a name of what you would like to hear played.

I just got another complement on my blog. "I love your blog! It is a great way to express yourself!"

Thanks, I know.

I give her an A+

OH! There is some new music for my page in the making. I know you probably DON'T like what I have now, and there is a pretty good chance you are not going to like what I put up. Lol. This stuff is MY music. It's not like it will make your ears bleed or anything.

It is so late here. I have been doing this for over 2 hours. I quit and chatted for a while, but now I am back, and trying to fix things; I need to do so much, like fix my counter at the bottom of the page, change the song, and ningun otra cosas.

I also did some spanish today. I haven't practiced spanish in so long; Japanese has been stingey with all my time, so I haven't been able to do the other one. I had a bit of conversation in spanish today. It made me remember how much I still had left to go! But I managed. She didn't speak too quickly. Right now I am on ClassZone practicing my spanish. Free lessons if anyone wants to go!

I think they also have French, and German. I don't do German. Their spelling is Crazeh.

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