Saturday, June 23, 2007

Blue Hawaii

You will not believe this.

It all started back about.. I don't know, 4 years ago, when he first came out. It was a Sprite commerical as a matter of fact. He had long hair and a scraggley look. I saw that commercial and fell in love with the song. It was so catchy, and his voice was so brilliant. I loved it. I looked for it EVERYWHERE for years, and, I guess, that was before he ever got some exposure, because I didn't find anything. All the searches came up negative.

So after so many tries, I just quit. I have always loved it, and I never got a chance to find out who sang that song--until tonight.

I had just got done watching The Matrix Reloaded on TNT, when I switched the channel to MTV, on accident, I square, and heard that very same song, LIVE, that I had been looking for years ago. ROBIN THICKE Singer/songwriter was performing live on MTV. I NEVER intentionally turn to MTV. Yeah of course I watch that channel, but I never turn to it just because. I always flip past it, or on it while channel surfing. I could not believe the luck. I opened my laptop and looked up the song.. and FINALLY found it! I added it to my Vlog, if you want to see it for yourself.

But yes, "When I get you alone" was such a great song then and now. I listened to it and had memories of seeing that commercial. It was great.

My tongue had turned a bold Blue today. It was from one of my favorite snowcone flavors. You know I just love those babies. That picture, to you upper right, is of me eating one. That flavor was a Tidal Wave though. Blue Hawaii, Watermelon, Bahama Mamma, and Blackberry are among my top. I have not tried all of them yet, but a lot of them I have. Just a warning: Don't eat the Dora The Explorer. Don't worry, I didn't eat one either. I tried it, and it was so sweet, I thought my face was going to rot off. I could tell that was a child's flavor. Sheesh.

Lazy, Lazy, Lazy. Today has got to be one of my most laziest days yet. All I did was watch movies and lay around all day. I can't believe I did it, but it's not suprising I did.

I really need to clean tonight. No joke. One of my brothers is coming over for lunch tomorrow. This house is an eye sore. I really need to do something. But the couch is calling me!!!

The Movies that I watched were some oldies: Dennis the Menace, Matilda, The Pacifier, The Chronicals of Riddick, Matrix Reloaded, but I left in the middle of that to MTV, and The Perfect Storm. I watched another one before Perfect Storm, but I can't remember what it was. Shoot.

Ok, My back is hurting from slumping over in this bed typing like this. SOO, I am going to get active. Like roll outta bed.

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