Saturday, June 30, 2007

Peaches N Strawberries.

I had to get up at 6:50 this morning, but instead my body clock woke me up at 6:30.

Work was so easy today, but I think it is going to get harder. I did the landscaping today.. Next time I might be assigned to something else. We went from one job to another, and I was getting tired, and more tired as the hours passed.

By 12, I was falling asleep. Not good.

We went to lunch, and I was too tired to even order; when I saw that Shrimp Alfredo, it woke me right up! If you live around my area, you have got to go to the "River Point" resturaunt. The Shimp is off the walls.

After lunch, we headed over to the mall to take care of some business.

I had no idea that they changed it so much! It has carpet now! So weird.

I went home, and relaxed a bit.

I got on MSN, and Chris asks me if I "want to catch a movie tonight." Of course, being the movie lover like I am, I agree, and get ready to head out. We planned to see "1408", but then I proposed "Evan Almighty."

We were supposed to meet there, because he had to drop some of his family memebers off someplace. So I arrive--and wait.

20 minutes pass.

35 minutes pass.

40 minutes pass.

Ok, now it is just 3 minutes before the movie starts.

I see him drive past the movie theatre. Not even looking to stop.

I was getting mad. Not only was I waiting there, I was waiting there by myself. I was about to leave at the 35 mark. Seriously, I was about ------ this close to leaving. Then that's when I saw him drive by. So I knew he was in the premises.

I waited another 10-15 minutes before he dragged in. I was about to explode! He was so late! Then, he tells me that he was waiting on the other side of the mall, the WHOLE time. I couldn't believe it. I guess he forgot to tell me we were supposed to meet there. D'OH!

So we were getting ready to go to buy the tickets when he tells me that "there's one more small problem.."

"I left my wallet at home."

OH COM'ON Chris!

So we decided to take his SUV, and go to his house to get his stuff.

His aunt is home, and she says "Back so soon?"

Well, we explained what happened, and she thinks it is funny. "I think you should still go see it. You only missed 20 minutes of it."

20 minutes that I didn't see!

I can't stand coming into movies late.

So we skipped all together, and just went back and walked around the mall.

The mall was beginning to close, so we went to the Theatre, and he bought a lone ticket for "Evan Almighty" because I had to go home. I was so tired anyways.

Before I went home though, I made a stop at "Hastings" which is an entertainment superstore, with electronics, music, books, lounges, movies, and a cafe shop.

I had a craving for a drink ever since I had gotten to the Theatre.

I ordered a "Peach and Strawberry Smoothie."

Meanwhile, while I was waiting on my order, I went to the 'Foreign Language' section to look at what they had on my two favorite hobbies. A Row of Spanish, and just a little section containing about 6 items, on Japanese.


"With Whipped Cream Ma'am?"

You know? I haven't had whipped cream in so long. I forgot what it tasted like. Oh yeah, Heaven.

I had my camera, I don't know why I didn't take a picture.

Well, just take my word, it is delicious. I recommend that for anyone who has had a day as long and tiring as I had today!

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