Sunday, June 17, 2007

How Depressing.

I just made this REALLY long post, and it didn't show up. I actually made it Friday, but it hasn't showed up yet; the post editor says that it's there, but I don't see it. Can you guys see it?

This weekend, was great. I spent it with a couple of friends, and we did a bunch of silly things. Too bad I didn't take some good pictures. Sorry!

I watched a bunch of movies with them: Pirates of the Caribbean 3, The Hills Have Eyes (1), The Cave, White Girls, and Black Diamond, but while that one was on, I was too busy playing Uno Attack™. From what I saw, it looked pretty depressing, and gorey. Just the way I like it.

I always have loved to watch movies. I don't know what it is about that, I just do. Like the Nike commercials say.. "Just do it" I think it is my desire to learn. You can learn great things from film believe it or not, and all the while it is corrupting your mind into oblivion. When I was a little girl, I remember learning how fog was formed by watching "Home Improvement." I have never forgotten that. I guess being a couch potato isn't so bad after all!

I am suprised I didn't catch a cold; it was raining today, and we were walking outside in the rain. So much fun can come out of that.

PIRATES III was good. I saw my husband on screen. There is not much I can say about it without ruining it. What I CAN say though is that it was good, yet extremely long. Approximately 3 hours. It was good though, and at first, I admit, it was a little slow, but then it picked up when all the plot was set. Make sure you go to a good quality movie theatre too, because I think I missed some important stuff in it because the sound was a little off in the beginning, and I could barely hear their words, and in the middle, the screen kept going black. That was probably because of the movie projector; the movie was so long, the battery was running out!

FRIDAY'S GYMNASTICS session was really good. I accomplished a faster flip-flop, along with better reasoning for that annoying arch in my upper back. That arch is hereditary, and I got it from my mom's side. It is a good thing sometimes when it comes to Yoga, and all those other contortionist type things, but when doing backflips, it makes it harder to bring myself over, so I had to add a trick in. One of my coaches noticed that bothersome arch and she told me a way to avoid landing wrong because of it. When I was visiting, I tried to straight flip but I chickened out. I later ended up doing it, but it was more of a twist than a flip. Weird huh?

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