Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My First Blog

I am mad! I know, I know, what a way to start off a new blog. I just set up a blog with bloguru, and I go back today, and it doesn't work! I put in all the billions of possible combinations for my password and username, and NONE work.

I do suppose that is my fault.

But I just got on it last night! Also, yesterday, I made a YouTube account. I get on YouTube all the time, Todos los dias, but I never had an account. So I decided to fall in the trap and make one. So far, 9 video views. I didn't have any juicy videos to put on, so I went through my camera, and found some old footage from Disneyland. Who would have guessed that people would actually want to see that?

Anyway, I just wanted to jump start this brand- new Blog. I hope I remember the password for this one. Sheesh.

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