Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The book that cried "WOLF."

I just got done uploading a new video onto my brand-spanking-new YouTube. You guys should go check it out. I don't really have that many ideas besides my piano playing of what to put on there. So far, I have added a bunch of random stuff. What's better than that?

One of my buddies are heading over seas tomorrow morning. I think I am going to cry. Not because of their saftey or anything, but because I want to go, and I know I won't be able to!

I was supposed to read this book today: "Ronald Dahl's The Revolting Ryhmes." There is three problems with that theory..

1. I don't read.
2. It's a childrens' book.
3. I've got lot's of better things to do like i.e. stare at the walls and slip slowly into madness.

Why do I even have to read it you ask? Because the hermana gave it to me about a week ago, and asked me to read it because, "it is funny" she says.

The only funny thing about that is that we are nowhere NEAR being children, and she is insisting that we read these preschool-set books. I don't even think they are qualified to be called books. I think they are called story-times or something. Oh well, at least they've got pictures.

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