Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Usual.

Right now I am laying on my side. I was just about to lay down, when I remembered I needed to post.

I made Oatmeal cookies tonight. They were so good. There are actually some left. I made four dozen. I had this weird craving for something oatmeal today, so I got on the internet and looked up some recipes. I found a bunch, but one just stuck out. I don't like raisins in my oatmeal cookies, so this one was it. "Soft Oatmeal Cookies" I put the recipe on word then printed it out for later.

Meanwhile, a friend of mine called and told me that his mother had a heart-attack. That is so depressing. It was from an allergic reaction to some medicines the doctors gave her.

A premire episode of one of my favorite shows came on tonight. I missed it because I was online at EnglishBaby.com; great site.

In my last post, the one in Spanish, I talked about me pulling some muscles in my leg. Well, the pain is gone a little, put it is still there. I am guessing that by Friday when I really need to use it, that it will be mostly healed. I conducted the idea that it was my joint in socket that was hurting so bad. That idea wasn't that hard to come by seeing that every way I move it, it throbs with pain.

I know what you are thinking. This post is not that interesting. Some of the other ones are way better. Well if it makes you feel any better, I cleaned out the refridgerator this morning. There was a bunch of moldy carrots in there.

I guess you can tell that I am out of work right now. I got started in this lawn service a few weeks back, but they never sent me in for work. This job is the kind where they call you when there are customers for the type of work you do. I was hired to plant flowers and trees, and hedges. Simple stuff, but for a lot of money.

A friend of mine was telling me today about a job at a local supermarket. You know, I have never worked at a supermarket, but I would give it a try. It pays pretty good for the job that I would have. I just don't know the hours yet. Work.

I have about 14 cavities in my mouth, no joke. It's not that I eat a bunch of sweets or anything, it is just that I have weak teeth, and I just don't go to the dentist enough. I think my worst cavity has a mind of it's own. It only hurts when I am trying to go to sleep, and it throbs when I am in the middle of a dream. I later figured out though that it only hurts when I sleep because, when there is pressure applied to the tooth from the jaw by me laying on it, the blood rushes to the area and causes it tremendous pain. Me and pain. All the time. It never ends.

A few days ago, I was having this dream that I was jumping around on teeth, and showing someone how to do it properly. Now these were big teeth, about the size of a car or something. I guess jumping on teeth was some kind of sport, but anyways. We were jumping around on them then all of a sudden black holes were forming, then it started to hurt to jump on them. My apprentice then asked "Is it supposed to hurt to do this?" Then I answered no. We kept jumping and the pain just kept getting worse and worse and worse. I woke up and the pain wasn't just in my dreams, it was ultimately real, so I went to the bathroom to give my perlies another bath of mouthwash and toothpaste. I then sat up on one of the couches, and stayed awake a bit, as the pain slowly went away. Notice when I am awake, it didn't hurt. Well, I went back to sleep later, and tried to go to sleep not laying on the injured side, and it worked perfectly.

Now it is hot in my house. I need to turn on some air.

That's better.

I still need some ideas for my YouTube. My latest is still the piano practice. I like it, but I didn't notice how dark it is. No way to make it lighter though.

We are going to have a bake-sale in a week. You all should come down and buy something. Since my recent oatmeal cookies were a smash, I think I want to make some of those. YUM! Maybe even some of my other favorites like snicker-doodles or peanut butter fudge!

Pues, my eyelids are getting pretty weighed down, so I am going to leave. I suppose I should go to bed, but not to forget to sleep AND wake up on the right side.

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