Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stale Mozzarella.

You should have seen me.

I woke up at 8 o'clock, being the NON-morning person that I am, and got ready to go..

I decided to do something for myself. I got up to go to the track. There is one close by, and about 10 minutes away on foot. My hermana came along too. It's better with two. It was kinda tedious because this old man was walking around the track too. He was going faster than we were. I didn't want to push it though.. We had to walk all the way back. We didn't take cars, although, normally, a lazy person like me would. I figured I needed some exercise.

We stopped by some swing-sets in the park, and boy, I tell ya.

I felt like a kid again.

I was swinging really high, and then, I had to slow down, because I was getting kind of dizzy.

Swinging on the playground brought back so many memories to me. Like when I was about 5, I lost my two front teeth by falling out of the swing backwards. See what had happened was, I was going so high, I slipped out the back, and the knock to my head caused so much force, my teeth busted out. Either that, or I fell on my jaw.. I can't exactly remember, but that was close.. I remember being out there alone when it happened, or so it seemed, because nobody came to my aid.

I went inside the daycare, and asked to go to the bathroom, and the caretaker took one looked at me and shuddered. My two front teeth were pushed all the way back into my head and I had blood gushing everywhere. Terrible sight to see. They called my mother right away, and thank goodness she was a nurse.

Oh just talking about that makes my gums tingle. I will never forget that. I lost them both a the same time. How bout that?

Anyway, when I got home, I was so sweaty! You would think just walking would not do that to you, but it is far, and the sun was starting to come out.

You won't believe what I did when I got out of the shower.



I woke up at 3 something, and wondered what had happened.

I am going to do it again tomorrow.

Just now, I downloaded "Phantom of The Opera" music, and I think I got ripped off; I could not find the file after I downloaded it. I was freaking out because it could have turned into a virus, but I did a full system scan and search, and it didn't find anything. I wonder..

Tonight, I went to the church to practice on a full piano with pedal. It was going great until it got extremely hot. I ignored it, until I tried to scoot over on the bench, and my bum was stuck to the bench! It was a wooden bench, and I was stuck to it! That's how hot it was. Needless to say, when I finally got up, there was a full imaged print, of my butt, in the bench. Now when I say "print" you know how when you leave a cold glass of water on finished wood.. it leaved a stained print of the cup? Well. It was that same thing, only in butt form.


I got out of it, and changed chairs. Sure to have gotten a metal one that time.

After I left, I was eating a Mozzarella Cheese stick, and when I peeled a piece off of it.. YuCK! It tasted like rubber, and had an icky smell to it. Gross. It was stale, and there went a good 33 cents.

OH! I just remembered! I have gymnastics tomorrow! Wow.. that came quick. It feels like I just went. Remember? That was the post I called "Twister."
I need to call it a day. Tomorrow I have to get up early to beat the old man!

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