Monday, June 25, 2007

Yet Another

Another solitary day, with me going crazy staring at these white walls.

I do have some good news though.

I did it! I made pancakes. I am a mediocore cook. I have not taken any classes anywhere, anytime, ever, and I can cook a whole iroiro (variety) of things. Baking is my specialty. Yet when it comes to the simplest things. Like, PANCAKES, I am a failure.

Except for today.

I made some, and I ate them, and they didn't taste like biscuits like all the other times. Is that incredulous or what? Well, I was falling apart for a few minutes, because about halfway though the cooking, I realized we didn't have any milk, but I substituted well. I could NOT believe I pulled it off. I mean, look at that. My personal best EVA!

Yes, they might not be perfect, but they were good! You'd be suprised at the flavor you get when you add in a couple of tablespoons of Maple Syrup.

I moved to page 5 on "Only Human." I am so happy. I am doing good. I pushed a little today, because I wanted to get to this certain part in the song, but.. you know how that ends up. Mess. I had to go back and relearn most of it, because I had forgotten it as I progressed, but I am almost done!!! One more page, then I will upload it for all to see. You know, if it is good or anything. I can never promise that.

Now I need to jump into "Waltz of Chihiro;" I only learned two lines of left with that one. I need to pick it up. It is so easy, yet my eye-coordination is so off. Pitiful.

I didn't jump into anything else yet, I am about to go fill out an application. I should do that right now.

I watched "The Pacifier" today. Love, Love, Love that movie. Today was my fourth time to watch it, and it never gets old. Great movie. Not to mention that beefcake Vin Diesel.

Oh yes! I finally updated my music. I put the actual music from "Only Human" on here! The piano part is what I play, but you can't hear it that well.

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