Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bake Sale!

So it is decided. I am going to whip up a couple of batches of oatmeal cookies, and snicker doodles. No peanut-butter fudge. It takes so long. I don't have the patience. We have to make them a day early so we will have time to prepare it all. Then, I have to go drop them off at this lady from our churches house, because she lives closer to the sale area.

I hope they like oatmeal as much as I do.

I figured out this new breakfast you can make. Cook oatmeal with honey and butter, and it is so good. You'd be suprised.

Today, I kept getting followed around by a four year old. I kept telling him to go play with his mom or something, but I guess he liked me or something. He kept saying, "Watch this! Watch this! Watch this!" I was about to explode. So annoying. I suppose I was a four year old once.

I cleaned the house a little bit today; it is still messy as ever, but I picked up a few clothes, then went and ate some pizza. Haha.

I really need to pay my phone bill. I haven't paid it in almost two months. They keep sending me "friendly" threats telling me that I need to pay it, or they are going to shut down my service. I don't know what I would do without my cellphone. Live, I guess. I turned it on today and it took it four times to turn on. I had forgotten all about it, and the battery had run down while it was rotting away in my purse. That is so sad! I never talk on it anymore, so I just forget about it. I miss using it, and listening to my "IF you're not the one" ringtone along with "Labios Compartidos." Those were the greatest.

Actually, I was thinking about getting a new phone. It is from the same company of course, so I could keep the same number. I just need to get off my butt and go make some moneys. It is pretty cheap considering, and it has an Mp3 player on it. Great for those long awkward rides in somone else's car. IT is a slider, and it is black. I want it, but first I think I need to pay my FIRST bill!

1 comment:

rachel. said...

Yeah, those awkward rides do get you down. Anyways, yeah what was up with her asking me to get ingridients?!