Monday, December 31, 2007
Last one.
Or at least New Years Eve. It's only 7 here. :)
I just wanted to put in a last post for this year. My little blog has done well..
See you in 2008!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
I woke up extremely sore this morning but.. it was for a good cause.
Yes, yes, it's very hard to believe. It was supposed to be a joint effort, but my partner skipped out on me.
I cleaned so much.. I don't think I have ever cleaned so hard in my life. The sad part about all this cleaning is that it will probably not stay like this, considering my hectic life during the weekdays of school. Truely saddening.
Leaves me no time.
So I decided to clean it for now, and wait and see how long it lasts.
In the 2 day period I last made a post, I watched 4 MORE movies, but not all at once.
I remember it was required to read this book for a grade in elementary school. Then we watched the movie afterwards, and I really liked it. It is about this group of kids, who make up a sort of family together, but are also a part of a gang called the "Greasers." This movie has some actors in it that later became famous like, Ralph Macchio, Tom Cruise, and Patrick Swayze.
I think pretty much everyone knows about this movie. I wasn't going to watch it at first, but then.. I decided to. "This is my Jean-nay" I love that part. Was it me, or did that movie seem like it was extremely long?
This movie was great when I saw it as a little kid, and now. It's funny: I thought it was scary back then. To all those who don't know about this, it is about this couple that owns this huge house, and then later they are killed, and then this other family buys it. The thing is, the couple ends up haunting that house... I really like this movie, and I never realized it was by Tim Burton. I should have guessed considering he always has weirdo creepy themes to all his movies. Alec Baldwin was in this? Who would have known?
And today, I watched this one. I have seen it before too. It's so... I don't know. Makes you wonder how some things are possible. This one is about this guy (Johnny Depp) who is a writer, and then one day this weirdo hick shows up and says that he stole one of his storys and published it. Then the hick threatens him and stuff.. blah blah blah go watch it.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Rachel's favorite show. DUMB.
What did I miss? Oh Christmas!
It was good on this end. I had lots of fun with the family :) TOO much food, but that was all good. Everyone loved their presents.
This week was great. I really enjoyed staying home. Too bad this break is almost over. Not just this break, but the year as well. It's truely saddening.
Hmm, this movie was ok. It just came on, I wasn't interested at first but then it got better. About some assassin guy that hunts humans, and then runs from the FBI, predictable.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
That's right, I said it. Christmas is here. So you know what that means. Only 6 more days left in this year. I really sad you know. I can't believe it went by so fast.
Sucks because I was up late last night doing some cleaning before today. I would say at least until 2:30 a.m. I didn't hear Santa. Maybe he was running late...
My family was so good to me this year. Seriously, you should see the loot.
It's so cold today. BUT-no snow. I regret living here sometimes. It is always hot year-around, and...andd umm.. That's it. I love everything else :D
I put the title that because about a month ago, I watched a classic movie called "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure."
It was fularious. <--- IS this a word?
Man, I love Christmas. I love the unity around the world. Makes me smile :)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Long Time.
I haven't posted in so long, I figured I would do so today.
I finished my Christmas shopping today--Good job Leah, 3 days before Christmas.
In this past two weeks, I can't really recall what all happened except, wait.. Oh nope, I can't remember.
Let's see...
Gymnastics Tuesday. Wait, that's every Tuesday.
Holiday Break. Oh that means no school. Score.
Exam Week. Boring as ever.
Spanish Party. Club party at the "Jimador." It was amazing.
I can't think of anything. I took some pictures around the tree tonight. I was feeling a little artistic.
This is a little different I guess.

That Jaime-lynn girl got knocked up. SAD. I read this news article about Nickolodeon trying to promote a show about abstinance and safe sex. Considering she was one of their biggest stars, and she ruined her career. You know, She's gonna keep the baby. I hope she is nothing like her sister.
What is Christmas?
Christmas is an annual holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus. The date of the celebration is traditional, and is not considered to be his actual date of birth. Christmas festivities often combine the commemoration of Jesus' birth with various secular customs, many of which have been influenced by earlier winter festivals.
In most places around the world, Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. Christmas Eve is the preceding day, December 24.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Silver Caps
I went to All American tonight, and I was feeling LAY ZEE. I wasn't the only one either.
I went to the dentist yesterday, expecting to FINALLY get that root canal. You know what they did? They took of my silver cap I got last time, and then they looked at the tooth, and put the cap back! It was such a waste of time. I guess I should be happy because my jaw would have been swollen, and I had to sing at a talent show audition today.
Some big thing that is going to be a year from last Monday--the 10th. If I am chosen, I am going to be going to Dallas.
I admit, even though I live in Texas, I have never been to Dallas.
Friday, December 7, 2007
What Are Your Thoughts?
Foreign Exchange
"Foreign Exchange is a great way to learn about other cultures..."
Leah's Views:
Q: Would you ever like to be an exchange student?
A: I think that would be one of the most fascinating things I would do. Travel has always interest to me.
Monday, December 3, 2007
What Are Your Thoughs?
Pastel's Views:
Q: Do you believe in love at first sight?
A: NO. That isn't called love; love is a feeling that you can achive. First sight is only hormones, sex and like.
Q: How do you achieve love?
Q: How do you know it's love for sure?
A: You can't just know for sure. You can only hope it is and will never run away. People have to protect love, because it can be easily broken.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
What Are Your Thoughts?
Issue 1L.O.V.E
Leah's Views:
"I was listening to this really sad romantic music and then I thought about what I was told the other day about 'love at first sight.' Many people don't believe in it you know and some do."
Q: Do you believe in love at first sight?
A: "Well I think that is a hard question. There are so many different kinds of love, but only one true love. For me, I think that you can be attracted to someone at first, but then fall in love later; it is not a planned thing it happens unexpected and you feel like your life has been taken over, and you don't know what move to make next. It's hard to think about other things, and that's how you know you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with that person. 'First sight' kinda doesnt' exist. Maybe not for true love, but maybe for lust. When you are in love with someone, it is like a big picture; you can't see anything else."
Dia's Views:
Q: Do you believe in Love at First Sight?
A: "I believe in love at first sight. I believe love is the closest thing we have to magic, so we should cherish it forever. I believe there is nothing better than love; waking up and having a 'reason' to live. To feel full, together, one. To feel happy with yourself and the world around you. To want to share your joy that your special someone makes u feel. I don't know, I just think it's awesome. There is nothing like it. Being with them. I don't know. Love is just something you can't live without. It's necessary. You're just not full. You need it; it's essential. "
Friday, November 30, 2007
The Great Diente Mystery
So, for the past, I don't know how long, I have been trying to figure out where my Dentist's origins are.
He has one of the thickest accents ever [Well not so bad I guess, but you can tell he's foreign] and I have been puzzled trying to figure out from where.
Anyone else wouldn't care less about the matter, but knowing me, the matter is a thorn in my side.
I mean really. Who cares where their dentist is from?--Someone who is planning to major in Foreign languages and Linguistics, that's who.
So anyway, I have been putting 2 and 2 together, and this is what I got:
He is light skin.
Brown hair.
Ok, so these aren't the best, but they have something.
His dental assistant has the accent too.
More Facts!
He has an extremely hairy chest.. Gross, and that makes me think of Italy. How do I know about the chest? This guy is right in my face when he is digging for gold in my gum line all the time. How could you NOT see it?
I seriously thought he was from Greece for the longest time. [Not because of the hair of course.]
Then I thought maybe he was from a Spanish speaking country. Remember that Juan Franco thing? Well, this could have been the same case.
His last name is Scherer, so that was cancelled out.
What kind of last name is Scherer? Who knows!
I heard him talking on the phone again, and don't get me wrong, I am not an eavesdropper, I just heard him from my chair, and he talked in a way I definately couldn't understand. I figured it was a European language for sure.
It kinda reminded me about Pastel, and when he talks in Hungarian. Was he Hungarian? Do Hungarians have hairy chests? Lol Hope not ;)
Maybe not Hungary. It is impossible.
It wasn't until today where I got my biggest lead.
"I once worked with a Sri Lankan, and a Filippino."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, that was when I was living in Qatar."
Now this was the converstion between a dentist assistant, and my dentist. It was so weird because they were digging in my mouth talking about their past jobs.
It was the dental assistant who said this.. and then she said,
"I also worked with a lady from Romania," and then he got really intrested. "Really?" He said.
"Yeah! But she was so quiet. I thought to myself, 'she is nothing like the guy I know from back home!'"
So, he is from Romania.
Case Closed.
I think I want to go get me a cup of coffee.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
What Was Today?

This was my actual plate. I think some people were looking at me weird because I was taking pictures of my food.
I ran into an old friend that I haven't seen or talked to in over a year. It was so good to see her. We are going to catch up.
I took this picture today. Reminds me of a Sportings Magazine for some reason.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Winding Down

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Run Little Turkey!
DIA- "Let's all have a moment of silence for all the turkeys around the world."
So today was a day of thanks, and I sure was feeling it in my belly.
What is Thanksgiving exactly?
"Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a traditional North American holiday to give thanks for the things that one has at the conclusion of the harvest season. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada.
First Thanksgiving
The earliest Thanksgiving events in the British Colonies were held at what is present day Berkeley Plantation in Virginia in 1619 and at Plymouth in present day Massachusetts in 1621.
A long weekend
In the United States, Thanksgiving Day, always a Thursday, is part of four- or five-day long weekend which usually marks a pause in school and college calendars. Many workers (78% in 2007) are given both Thanksgiving and the day after as paid holidays, and others with leave benefits are allowed to take a vacation day. The day after Thanksgiving is promoted as the unofficial holiday of Black Friday: the beginning of the traditional Christmas shopping season. Many retailers open very early (for example, 5 A.M. or earlier) and offer "doorbuster" deals and loss leaders to draw people to their stores.
The Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day, and the following Sunday, last day of the long weekend, are typically two of the heaviest annual travel days for passengers airlines, intercity rail and bus services, and highway travel.
Traditional celebration
Thanksgiving meals are traditionally family events where certain kinds of food are served. As is evidenced by the tremendous level of travel, significant effort is made by family members to gather for the Thanksgiving celebration. Family participation is notably inclusive ranging from the very youngest to the most senior. First and foremost, turkey is the featured item in most Thanksgiving feasts (so much so that Thanksgiving is sometimes facetiously referred to as "Turkey Day"). Stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, corn, turnips, rolls, pecan pie, and pumpkin pie are commonly associated with Thanksgiving dinner, although it was quite probable that many of these culinary items did not feature in the first Thanksgiving in 1621. Often guests bring food items or help with cooking in the kitchen as part of a communal meal."
Ok, So I am not that smart. I so stole that from Wikipedia.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Day Before
I can't wait to sink my teeth into some of those goodies in there.
All this preparing is making me tired. Who though of all this anyway? OH yeah; the Pilgrims and the Indians.
Monday, November 19, 2007
You Are So Beautiful
I am gonna love this week. Only two early mornings, and then I get to sleep in for the rest of the week! I think I might have to attend All American on Friday, because tomorrow is a special night. Thanksgiving is this week. I don't think I will have a bunch of family here like we did last year. I don't know, I might go visit some family.
Christmas is almost here! Then the New Year.
Today was so relaxed, although I fear for next week. After the Thanksgiving holidays, getting closer to Christmas is when all the curriculum gets SUPER hard.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Una Cara De Pastel
New table set up, and I took down the old one. Is that interesting? No.
Cleaned so much. I was surprised my arms didn't fall off. Is that interesting? No.
Ate at the Taqueria. My Eyes were watering from the hot sabores. Is that Interesting? NO.
Went to Andrea's party. Now that's something.
She had a theme; Red carpet.
I watched that movie "The Ring"
Monday, November 12, 2007
I saw Zack today, and he was doing a lot better. I was so worried about him though. Turns out that he did have a messed up rib, and the worse part was that he had a blood clot in his left arm.
Strange though. It still doesn't seem to relate at all to his symptoms. He told me that the doctors still don't know what is wrong with his ribs, but they took an x-ray.
I am so relieved though. I was so happy to see him. He was still walking with his left arm in a 90 degree right angle (I seriously don't know how to explain this in any other way..), but he was doing better.
Me on the other hand had a terrible day. Hmm, maybe not so much as terrible as annoying. I was so annoyed at my nose; it was running non-stop. Where was it going? [Lol P]
People were coming up to me and asking me all day, "What happened to you?" "Are you sick?" "Are you out of it?" "What's wrong with you?" It was so frustrating. I didn't even dress up today. Well I did on some levels, but I didn't do my hair at all. It was just a puff-ball, and people noticed.
Lars - "Leah what happened to your hair..?"
Leah - "Don't ask."
Lars - "It looks weird today.."
Taylor - "Well she has an excuse, she is sick!"
Oh I went through a whole box of tissues in one day. Not those cube boxes either, but those big rectangle ones. I had it bad.
I didn't get sores, which I am really happy about that, and it surprised me. I think it's the Puffs Plus. :)
I drank so much orange juice today: I feel like an orange.
I bought this exotic fruit Saturday: Starfruit? I don't think that is a popular one down here. I have been searching for this fruit for 6 years, because I tasted it once in a sample, and I could NEVER find it after that. Until Saturday. Now if I just knew how to peel it...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Oh no
That's what happens when you shop til you drop.
I also think that it had something to do with me being allergic to dust, and my fan is so dirty... Maybe, possibly.
I feel like my nose is a water faucet that can never be turned off; it feels as if it is bottomless. I am so tired of blowing my nose. Thank bejeebus that I have Puffs Plus handy.
That's what I hate the most about common cold. You get those terrible scabs around your nose where you blow and blow constantly. It ultimately sucks. I can't stand that, and my eyes have been watering all day. It almost looks like I am on crack, my eyes, are so red.
The back of my throat feels all itchy, and it seems impossible to scratch--or soothe. Waah, why does it have to be this way?
I talked to Pastel today. That boy is so "naughty," if that is even a just word for it.
I at random dug out this old backstreet boys cd I had in my closet and played it on my computer. Turns out that it had a pc game on it, and a bunch of "FAN-INFO" included. You could become the ultimate backstreet girl! Lame.
I can't believe I went through half a box of tissues in one day. Stupid cold. I hope it goes away soon. It randomly attacked me.
I think I need some sleep.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
One of my friends was sent to the hospital from the game we were at, and nobody knew what was causing his sudden pain.
It could have been serious, it could have not been.
We were sitting in the stands, and then he asked me, "Leah, what happens when you are having a heart attack?" I said back, "Well, your left side starts to get numb, and you feel some pressure to your chest.."
Later, his heart started beating a million miles an hour. I wasn't too concerned because he was talking alright, and I figured that he wasn't in too bad of shape.
He began to hold his left side in pain, but it still wasn't too severe; it was bad, but he still could talk. I think he might have been trying to bare it considering where he was.
Then it worsened.. he could not sit up straight. "Zack, was it something you ate? Did you drink something? Are you on some kind of medication?"
Earlier he had let me feel that spot that was giving him the trouble. "Leah there is a lump.. I think it's getting bigger..."
"Hey you just let me know if it gets too bad ok?"
It got to the point where he could not sit up. He was in agony. His breathing began to get restricted, and his veins began to protrude. "Everytime I breath it hurts." He was holding on the a full bottle of water, and then he busted the top off of it. [He was using it as a pressure ball, but he was in so much pain, the top busted.] I felt so guilty because I had left for a second before all this deep pain started hurting. I came back, and they were taking him down the steps to authorites. They quickly ran and got an ambulance.
I tried to think of the possible reasons why this could have happened, and some other people told me: 'He could have had a gal stone'; 'He could have a kidney stone'; 'He could have a tumor;' 'He could have a cracked rib.'
Out of all of those, I figure that the rib is the best explaination. He was in pain right in his rib area, and then the lump was the shape of a small HARD edge of something. It wasn't in circle form, but it was most likely a rib out of place, or cracked, or twisted. I didn't know for sure, but I was praying to God that it wasn't a tumor.
The word began to spread. People started asking. "What happened to him?" "What's wrong?" "Where's he going?" "Why is he in pain?"
Nobody knew that last one. I didn't know. The medic didn't know. They had rushed him to the emergency room, but there was no way of knowing until they got there.
They kept him in the first ambulance to examine him, until the second one came to take him away. I saw him on a stretcher, and I began to get nervous. I was nervous already, but I didn't know if it was serious or not. Then I saw that, and I was completely out of the game. I didn't want anything bad to happen. What if it was serious? What if he--dies?
But of course, I didn't need to be on edge about this. I would feel so dumb if it wasn't something serious after all. There is just so many possibilities and assumptions that could have been made, but only ONE correct one. I still don't know that one, and won't until they give me a call.
Wouldn't you consider this a serious thing?
I had to go back and get all of his things and take them home with me. People called us to ask what had happened. I was getting angry. Rumors were going to be started over this, I could feel it.
I was worried the whole night, and I am a little right now. Not so much, because I know he will be alright.
That night was the only time I have ever seen him cry...
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Tomorrow is the last game. William is so sad. Me too. Who is going to be my dance partner??
I haven't made a post just about all this week. Hmm.. I went to Gymnastics Tuesday... and It was great. I got lazy at the end. I started doing step-outs.
So what happened this week?
Nothing really. My kitten was killed by pitbulls on Saturday. Hmm.. went to church [accompanied by Rudy and Simon.] School caught on fire tonight.. [talk more on this later.]
Oh yeah!
I kept waking up at weirdo times, and I don't know why. Also.. my tooth has been starting back up with it's pain. :( I was doing so good without it too. I have even had time to clean and watch tv! I never do that. I am always on the go, or it's too late to do it.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Pastel's Lesson.
dog = kutya
rabit = nyúl / nyuszi
cat = macska
cow = tehén
duck = kacsa
spider = pók
ant = hangya
giraffe = zsíráf
elephant = elefánt
whale = bálna
kitten = cica
sheep = bárány
snail = csiga
bird = madár
chicken = tyúk
goose = lúd
mouse = egér
pig = malac
rat = patkány
mosquito = szúnyog
fly = légy
butterfly = pillangó
bull = bika
horse = ló
donkey = szamár
monkey = majom
dolphin = delfin
llama = láma
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Halloween!
It is actually November 1st, but I am posting for last night because that was Halloween.
I have this terrible feeling that I am way to old to go Trick or Treat.
I also have this weird feeling that those 30 year old people that I saw out last night WITHOUT kids are too old to go too.
Oh well.
I did get some candy from generous people all during the day. Some weren't so generous, which is why I am wondering if they put some poison in it.
Thursday is here already! These weeks are just getting faster and faster.
The weather got hot again. BOO. I don't know why, but it was freezing cold this morning, then it got really hot this afternoon. Once again, I was stuck wearing a jacket.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Well, I don't remember if I made a post yesterday, and I know I could have just checked my blog, but sometimes, I think even I am too lazy to do that.
We went to THRILL THE WORLD in Spring, and it was fun, yet, a little dissapointing. We learned the full dance, yet, when we arrived at the designation, it was deserted. But we made the best of it by finding a nearby park to dance at.
It is late, I should be asleep, but I figured if I didn't post about it now, then I would forget it later.
Oh, and I almost forgot.
That mean ol' Pastel is such a jerk.
He takes up all my day. He is so rude. Again, that chico occupied my whole Sunday evening. Like most every Sunday evening, and we talked until 7 something. The nerve of some people! :D
Friday, October 26, 2007
The cold weather is the highlight of my year. I didn't even sweat at the game tonight--it was great.
One of my best friends and I are learning the "Thriller" dance. I think I said something about that before. Well, there is a song that goes with the choreography, (teaches you the dance, but instead it says funny words in place of the dance moves) and I have been singing it all day. Along with dancing :D One of the phrases is "Aiiiir-Guitar to the right, tick tock tick tock, rock-on, rock-on, rock-on, rock-on, rock-on, grab pull in punch punch punch down." I know it is very strange and random, but that is how it goes. There are other parts too, but this is the one that was stuck in my head.
Went to Friendswood tonight.
No seriously it is a place.
Tomorrow, I will probably get home late, that is, if our plans cancel. I am not expecting them to, but there is a slight chance they might.
Oh well, I guess it's off to 'Splash-Town.'
Thursday, October 25, 2007
So what has happened since that last post?
Well, I had All American on Tuesday as usual.. hmm.. did the thriller dance.. tooth broke out.. lemon-berry slush.. wait--WHAT?
Yeah. I have really bad teeth, as we all know this. And so, as I was eating a cheese nip, I felt something jam in my mouth. It started to wiggle, and I just figured it was a piece of cracker. No it was the side of my tooth that cracked off. At first I was scared because I didn't know if it would hurt later, or start hurting then. I didn't know if the rest of that tooth would fall out. Strange thing it is, to have your teeth just chip off. It wasn't a little piece either. It was a side of my tooth. I held it in my hand!
Makes me want to cry. I don't have time for the dentist anymore, and his office is closed on the weekends. What is a girl to do?
I have gotten over my sick spell I had last week; all I have now is a little cough. Just a little one, and my nose was running some today.
It is finally cold outside. There might be a chance of snow this year!
OH, and Pastel, I finally got your letter yesterday. It was funny.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
That's all I can say is wild.
I had a crazy night. I just walked in, and it is 12 am as I speak. I just got home from that crazy Halloween Party. I danced so hard, I feel like I just got in from the gym.
We did the thriller dance.
It was WILD.
I think I am going to be sore tomorrow. I dropped it like it was HAWT.
Today I got a little productive. I cleaned, and I got a hippo, also I baked some brownies :D Pastel was in this day of course, and then I bought some more things for my phone.
I got ready for that party, and then I had the time of my life for 4 hours straight.
NOW I am home, and sweaty, and I am about to jump in the tub. I completely ruined my hair, but I guess that is ok considering I can just fix it later.
I planned to go to the party dressed up as the Witch from the East on the Wizard of Oz, but then It turned into princess Diana, and then to just a Princess, so I just took it all of and got in some shorts and a t-shirt.
It was fun.
In sad news, I found out that a man from my church passed away. It is so sad. I have known him since I was little. He had a heartattack. They couldn't revive him. :(
Friday, October 19, 2007
Nunca Voy A Bailar Otra Vez
Yeah that is a catchy song. I think I have already posted about it, but I am listening to it right now.
Man, I went to Gymnastics tonight, and wow. I tell you. I did pretty good. I had to go today instead of Tuesday because I was busy that night.
You know what frustrates me? That new phone I just bought. Now don't get me wrong, I love it, and I am glad I got it, but it sucks because I have to go out and buy 45 dollars worth of accessories for it just so it can work with all it's functions. Yeah. Stinks.
For the video camera to work, and the Mp3 player to work, I had to buy data cables and a "Sandisk."
No wonder I bought it for a low price..
Ok, so I have been sick for the past, week? I don't know, maybe 6 days.
Well, I was a little better today, and I went to go buy some cough drops and stuff.
They are so gross, they taste like cough syurp.
Instead eat the Halls Strawberry ones. They are good.
I turned on the tv today, and there was nothing on. I haven't watched tv in so, so long. I think the screen has dust on it.
I cleaned a little today. I was proud.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Actually it was sitting in my front yard when I got home, but that is beside the point. I was so happy. I think I might have even jumped a little bit.
This phone was shocking to me because I thought it was going to be something greater. Don't get me wrong, it rocks my socks harder than sliced bread, but it was sad because it didn't come with all the things I needed for it to own.
Sadly, I had to make a trip to RadioShack, and decide on which appliance I needed the most--USB Cable, or Sandisk.
Sandisk: Give the phone extra memory storage for mp3s, video, photos, and more.
USB Cable: Gives the phone a connection to the computer for file transfer.
Uh Oh, which one?
I got the Sandisk because I could not record videos without it. I will just have to hook myself up the the cable later.
Today was a SAT day, and I was feeling like an eskimo. It was so cold in my testing room. I could have sworn I had turned into two ice cubes.
Zach accompanied me to church tonight.
My earaches have been on the move; today I got them along with sore throat, but I got some Halls cough drops which eased it out.
Thank you God.
Yesterday was killer. We had UIL, and I had a very heavy head. At least it felt like a thousand pounds because of all the pressure I had from my sickness.
Got home late.
Went to bed late.
The usual.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I hate this, I took too long to post this, so now I have to write two days in one post.
Well today was a wonderful day because Pastel was in it. [hehe]
Did you know that I had 4 pairs of legs? You know what that means lol.
I went to church today, like I do every Sunday.
Right now, I am sleepy, and I am trying to squeeze in a post before I go to bed. Saturday was very very fun.
I had a bunch of friends over: First: Dia came over at 7 in the morning so we could go to the Parade together, and then we left at about 8:10 or so. Later, My sister and Zach came over after the Parade, along with Dia, and we stayed at my house for a while. It was a very interesting day. Just as Pastel.
Later, Zach and I went to another party, where we left early. I was tired, and I wanted to go to sleep.
It was fun, I was jsut too stupid to keep any of the pictures I took. I deleted them all. I actually found my camera this past week. I was so happy lol. I lost it for a long time.
Last Thursday I purchased my new phone. They said it should be here in about 3-5 business days, which is about a week. I am excited.
This week shouldn't be as hectic as last week, and so on. I think that it will be easier since I get one day off. YES. It is fair week, and the weather is changing. I can't wait for some ice on the streets.
(Maybe not snow since it NEVER snows down here)
Ok, so I am tired, and I still have plenty of things to do before I go to bed. I will just have to try to remember to post tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I went to Gymnastics last night, and I was so happy again! I have been getting faster at my flips and stuff, cleaner. Ever since that one day, I have had it downhill, but I am slowly regaining my abilities.
The sad thing is that I think I got a little carried away; I am so sore right now in my legs. We were doing stretches today, and it felt like someone was slicing my legs open, and setting them on fire.
It was that bad.
I don't know, it was weird.. I think I must have pulled some muscles.
I think I have eaten about 3 Lemon-Berry slushes in the past 3 days; so what? That makes--one a day? Oh wow, they are good, and they have REAL strawberries in them. YUM.
My eyes are getting heavy, so you know it is time for me to go.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Mismo Dia
It was such a contrast from yesterday. Yuck.
I am going to be up late tonight though. I can feel it. It is ok. I am happy. I just ate these chicken thingys from Sonic. Mmm. Kinda crunchy though..
Man, I had a headache tonight. It was all over my head and temples; I think it was because it was so cold in that room I was in.
Church today. Sunday. Already. Time flys so fast. Wasn't I just saying that? Don't blink, it will be November before you know it.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Long Day
I didn't do it.
I am just in a bad mood right now.
While I am eating Honey Nut Cheerios.
I don't feel 'Cheerio' right now.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Man, I was exhausted at the end of today. It was so hot, and I had to stay at school until 6.
I came home for about 20 mins, and then I left for church, and I just got home about 30 mins ago. I think Wednesdays are the worst days of the week for me, next to that are Tuesdays.
I can never get anything done of those days.
I went to church, and what do you know, Zach was there!
I was just like.. "Hey what are you doing here?" haha.
Right now, I have this bruise on my leg, that was hurting today. It also--well I am not going to say anything else, but let's just say it is nasty.
I haven't had any tooth pain in the past 24 hours! I guess that has something to do with those strong pain killers I took. Hmm..
This week is almost over. They always happen so fast now. Last week went by in a snap, and this one is going to do that as well.
Once Wednesday is here, the week is gone.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Gymnastics was fun tonight. I am happy because I did really good. I got faster on my coordination, and I got a little cleaner. The bad thing about that is at the end, I guess I let it go to my head a little bit because I started to land crappy.
I am not so tired right now, but later, I will be. I am trying to get as much stuff done as I can right now.
Man, I hate going to my hotmail, or englishbaby accounts because I have SO much mail. I don't have time to check it all. Just like the ones that need to be answered right away, or notifications. *Cough* Pastel.
So anyway, I got up early today to do my hair, but I ended up getting in the bathroom to do it a little too late, and then I ran out of time, so I only did one half of it, so I just left it like that. It looked funny because half of it was straight and then half of it was wavy.
I cannot wait until Winter. I love that time of the year. When I got out of the car tonight, it seemed like it was a little cooler outside. I am so excited.
I hope it snows.
It rarely snows down here.
I think it snowed like 2 times in the past 18 years. Im serious.
It's so hot in Texas :(
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Can crackers be delicious?
So, I am so sore from Friday night. It was after the football game, and some friends and I decided to be stupid and race up and down the aisles of the Room. I don't think I could remember the last time I ran that fast. I was on the tips of my toes as I sprinted up and back down the rows. I wasn't exhausted either. It wasn't a hard sprint, but later I started to feel it.
Like today.
I didn't feel anything yesterday. Saturday. I think it was a nice day yesterday. I was at home, and I talked to Pastel for about 1987235060348572034 years.
But oooh, this morning.
I felt it.
I was so sore. I went to sleep on the floor by accident, and then I woke up in the middle of the night, and went to bed. When I got up this morning, my legs and abs, felt like they were bleeding.
OH the agony!
It was difficult to laugh, and I love to do that, so you know how it must have felt.
I went to Church today, of course, and I had a nice time. After, I went to 'Ryan's' with the family and a friend of the family. I ate some good food :D
When I got home, all I wanted to do was lay down. I think I looked pregnant again, because my stomach was sticking out so far. I thought it was going to explode.
PASTEL. Again. Today I learned my Hungarian numbers :D
1: Edy
2: Kettő
3: Harom
4: Negy
5: Öt
6: Hat
7: Hét
8: Nyolc
9: Kilenc
10. Tiz
11. Tizenegy
13. Tizenhárom
14. Tizennégy
15. Tizenöt
16. Tizenhat
17. Tizenhét
18. Tizennyolc
19. Tizenkilenc
20. Húsz
21. Huszonegy
30. Harminc
31. Harmincegy
40. Negyven
50. Ötven
60. Hatvan
70. Hetven
80. Nyolcvan
90. Kilencven
100. Szaz
Now I just have to memorize them :D
This week went by so fast! It is already Monday again. Then it will be next Monday. Then Christmas. You just wait. See? It is already October! Today is the last day of September.
Saturday, I felt so go about myself. I worked on my Spanish. I hadn't done that in a long time, so I decided to work some, and it was worth it.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Under the Sea
Just then the whole beach dissappeared, and I dove under the water and saw a school of fish. They looked up at me and quickly swam away.
I swam deeper after them, and then I noticed that the water was getting darker and darker as I went. I was beginning to get a little scared.
There was something down there, but I didn't know what it was; I turned around to go back up, but I realized that I couldn't remember the way. It was so dark, I couldn't see where I was.
All of a sudden, a bright green light appeared out of the darkness. I was afraid because I had heard about those deep sea monsters. What if it was the Loch Ness? Or even a giant piranha? I was in terrible danger.
I had to make a quick decision: Either keep swimming down, or turn around and get farther lost. I didn't want to die, or drown, so I had to make a choice fast.
I spotted one fish, two fish, three! I think it was the school I saw earlier! I started to swim after them, as they began to take me higher and higher out of the deep.
Slowly we reached the tip of the light. I was elated! I was so afraid, but now my body was only filled with joy.
As soon as I reached the top of the water, I took in a giant gulp of fresh air. I made my way back to the beach to relax, and catch my breath. I laid down on the warm sand, and right there beside me was a pearly white seashell.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I was so happy when I got home today. I didn't have hardly ANY work to do, and I am going to be able to go to bed early tonight :) Happiness!
I was so tired; I came home and then went to sleep. At 7:30, I woke up with a toothache.. AGAIN. Sucks..
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tanoshii no Hi
I fell asleep at 9:10, which was an utter and complete accident, and then I woke back up at 11. I then went back to sleep, and woke back up at 2:12 with another one of those killer toothaches that I am known for. I waited for that to wear off, and then I started reading that book "To kill a Mockingbird."
I then fell back asleep at 5, totally forgetting that I had to get back up in less than an hour.
I then woke up at 6:30, to get ready to leave.
Gymnastics was great tonight. I am doing so much better.
I am a little tired right now. I would so go to sleep, but I have some work to do, and I figured I could post a little in my blog.
[Pastel: you got the letter, now make the post!]
Time for me to get busy...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Wet Behind the Ears
Again, can you believe it?
Wasn't I just making a post about last Sunday?
So today, I slouched around.. Trying to heal from last Saturday's anguish. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I talked to Pastel for the longest time.
I went to church, and then I came home and ate some "beef stew chicken pot pie." It's not what it seems, I just don't know the name for it. It is kind of like chicken pot pie, but it has cornbread on the top with beef stew on the bottom. It is so good.
I was sitting, and then I looked down at my thigh, and I saw a purple bruise on it. "Where in the world--" I thought. Then I remembered that I ran into a bar on accident, and though I accidentally amputated my own leg. That hurt a lot. But now, there is a big fat bruise there.. SUCKS.
I also drank some strawberry water.
I feel so bad, I lost my digital camera. I seriously don't know where it is.
I have the case, but the camera part is lost in the jungle.
So I just got out the shower, and I washed my hair, and my ears are all wet. Just incase you were guessing why I put 'Wet behind the ears.'
I am listening to this song "Corazonado" by Ricky Martin. I really love his old songs.
Earlier, it was so weird because I heard this old George Michael song "Careless Whisper," and I didn't know who it was, and then I went home and looked it up, and saw a very 1980's him, singing about him not being able to ever dance again. It was kinda catchy I must admit, but a little weird. I'm never gonna dance again? Come on now..
So anyway, I have some things to do, so I am going to leave it at that.
Buenas Noches.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I know it is not all the way over, but I haven't been home in two days, and I am so unorganized. It is so frustrating.
Today is Saturday, and I did a lot.
I'd rather not post about it though, because I was frustrated most of the day.
I will say I got to do some things with friends, but other than that, I thought I was going to blow my top.
I watched that movie "Premonition" today. Before, I had seen a preview, and I thought it looked like a good movie to watch. The movie wasn't even as half as good as it seemed. The ending sucked, and all through the movie there is useless confusion. I give it a 5.7 stars out 10.
Last night was the Bwood Game.
I think this week went by fast! I knew it would. All of them have been lately.
I went to Petco and RadioShack today. I saw that phone I was going to buy, and it was about 40 dollars cheaper!
It was amazing.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Recibo una carta!
That's what my back has been doing all day today. I think it's bruised though. I got punched in the back. It wasn't a love tap either.
Someone deliberatly punched me in the back and in the hip, and it is hurting now. I admit, I got into a fight. You won't believe who it was with though.
Hoy es el cumpleanos de Dianeisy, y tiene mucho anos. Haha, abuelita~!
I plan to go to bed early tonight.. of course that never happens, although I think I might have a chance this time. It is 9:43, I am tired, and my bed is calling me. I don't think I have gotten more than 5 hours of sleep per night in over a 2 weeks. This is extremely sad. I am running out of energy!
I am getting sleepy at 9 o'clock now! That is bad! I used to get tired at around 3, 4 a.m. Hehe, Now I am the abuelita.
I got a letter from Pastel today! It is always exciting to get letters from him :D
Man, I had to skip gymnastics yesterday. I had so much to do. It frustrates me so bad when I don't have time for it, but it was necessary, I must admit.
Can you believe it is almost Friday again? It came so quick! I remember last Friday, and the frustration that Thursday brought to me!
Monday, September 17, 2007
I was so exhausted by the end of the day, I couldn't even complain [and I do a lot of that :D].
It amazes me how hot the sun can ACTUALLY get.
There is not too much to talk about right now. I am up late, and I need to finish some stuff. I went to sleep not long after I got in today. I was so tired. I woke up about 10 mins ago, and then remembered this.
I learned that word. 'Mentirosa' - Liar this past weekend. Someone called me that. Haha.
I never knew that word. I have always saying "No es verdad," or "No tienes razon." This is so much easier.
It felt like I was hungry all day today. My stomach was growling and having fits. It was weird.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Mexican Dulce
It was somewhat like that, only I spent a lot of it talking with friends and family in person, on the internet, and on the phone.
I sent Pastel's letter today. Now let's see how long it takes him to get it.
My brother stopped by today. He bought a Pizza.
Guess what, my tooth is hurting me again. Giving me trouble. I want to sue that dentist for not doing a good job. I really don't want to have to get it pulled, but if that is the case, then I am up for it. I cannot stand staying up at night with tooth pain anymore. I just can't take it.
I got pictures of the kids; if you want to see, just tell me.
I ate some Mexican candy today. It was so hot, it cleared up my sinuses. It made my nose and eyes water. Now that's some good candy!
My kitten came home, I am so glad. I thought he ran away. He was so skinny. It looked like he hadn't eaten in days!
I think this weekend was filled with a lot of heartbreak. Lot's of things happened. I just hope this upcoming week is much MUCH better.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Off Day.
So anyway, I watched:
"200 Pound Beauty": Which is a Korean movie. It was pretty good. I think it is more of a chick flick though.
It took me about 5 hours to watch that because I kept having to push pause because people kept talking to me, and calling me. Then when I finished that, I saw that "Catwoman" was coiming on.
I have seen this movie at least 2 times before, but I never got to finish it; I have always been interrupted. So I finished it. I give it 6 stars out of 10.
Right after that, "Batman" came on. I just watched it. Now this was the old one. From 1989. It is alright. It is on right now.
The 80's theme is great.
Today was a relaxing day. I went out for Chinese. I haven't had had in a while. Sushi tasted a little weird though.
Tooth is giving me problems again.
I talked to Pastel today. It wasn't very long because we both had to go leave.
Alfred Hickock. Isn't he that psycho movie director that made all those classic horror movies? I don't think I have seen any.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I <3 Pastel
There is a surprise in every post :D
I am so sore.
I don't really remember how I got sore, but I think it had something to do with those push-ups I did the other day.. hmm..
It has been so rainy lately. AGAIN. There is supposed to be a tropical storm coming our way. AGAIN. I don't really care. AGAIN.
I got new shoes and a new purse.
I couldn't stand it.
I just had to buy them.
Yes, I am addicted, I know, but what can I say?
Today, it was so strange, because I was getting this throbbing headache, and this girl was yelling in my ear.. I think she was on crack.
I don't think I have sat down and watched the tv in over a month. That is unbelievable. You know you are busy when...
Pastel you need to read this, and update yours. GANGSTA. LoL.
I had gymnastics last night. It was a usual time, I didn't really improve too much. Just an average night.
My friend was working on triples though. JEALOUS.
Not really. I think it is so great.
I feel so old. I am sore, grouchy and stiff. Well the grouchy part is just in the mornings. You know? I am actually bossy in the mornings. I am not really grouchy. Like control freak I guess. Maybe it comes from being pushed for time.
Our babies are cute. They are gangstas too.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Missing You.
Good song.
So anyway, I have missed 2 days, and at lease 3 in the past week. Sad. I guess I can't keep up. I haven't forgotten about my blog. Never. Unlike that stupid Bloguru one that won't work.
I have to make this sweet and short because I have things to do.
I was up until 2 a.m yesterday doing things and then I turned around and woke up at 6. Things like that make me just want to go kick everything to the curb, and take a vacation to Hawaii. Which is not at all a bad idea.
"Scheduled outage at 11PM PDT."
Hmm, I wonder what that means. LoL
I paid my phone bill yesterday. About time.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Can I do it all?
That's all I can say for now. So much to do, so little time.
I had to go to El Campo last night for a game. I didn't write in my blog for two days. Whoops.
I knew this would happen. I will just write when I have the time.
Like right now, these precious 3 minutes I have before I have to go do some studying.
You know what I realized? There just isn't enough hours in the day. At ALL. I need more time! I am falling asleep as you read this. So sad.. I have had a weird day.
I did happen to find time to buy some new shoes today. I couldn't resist. We were actually out for la hermana, but I couldn't stop myself. I signed the check.
I am going to be regretting that later because tomorrow I am going to purchase a new phone. It is going to take a bunch of money to get it activated. About time though, I have been putting it off for about 3 months.
My hotmail account is overflowing with mail. I need to respond!
Omg, I kept cutting myself today. NOT intentionally of course, but I kept getting scratched on accident. Like.. I was walking with a case, and the edge cut a gash in my shin. It was terrible. It is hurting at this very moment! Later, I was putting on some clothes, and the zipper ripped up my thigh... as it was coming up, it ran up my thigh, and left some bruises, and scrapes. I don't know why, maybe it's bad luck?
My friend was telling me about ants. She said she got attacked like I did, but it was worse. There's something up with those bugs..
I saw her, and she had bites all over her arms.. and they had turned red. They got her bad. She was talking to me, and then all of a sudden, she noticed she had some more. They looked gross. And I thought I had it bad.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My Train
Today was hectic. I got a good average of about 5 hours.. Plus interruptions. Hmm, I would say 4 hours and 23 mins. (I didn't actually calculate)
I have so much work to do. This post is going to be short. [Lo siento Pastel, Ferj!]
This weekend is a birthday, so you know what that means. Fun with a bunch of people! This is an 18th, so it is going to be good.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I guess you can say it wasn't that humid today, I don't know.
PASTEL! I really wish you would continue to have something for me to look at! There is nothing in there for me to look at! I am so sad everytime. :(
My tooth was randomly hurting today. That same one I got all the work on last month. I just brushed my teeth, and stangely, it went away. Hmmm.
I got home so late tonight. I hope all Tuesdays aren't going to be like this. I was tired at Gymnatics, and then I did a mediocore job. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't REALLY good.
Sorry these posts have been so short. I am telling you, I have been so busy.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Here is your post.
I Don't think I have ever made three posts in one day. Ok, maybe a long time ago when I was just starting this thing out, but never recently.
I am usually too busy for that. Sad.
I still think this name is Russian, pastel told me that; something about a king or something.. I CAN'T REMEMBER!
Anyway, you have a nice day!
Proud Parent
I did so much work today. I can't believe my eyes. Or whatever I should say.
All day long.
I can't believe it.
Now when I say work, I mean study.
I took the occasional break to talk with friends or what not, but still. That is so much for me.
Pastel and I are proud parents :)
22 Healthy fat babies. There are the names down there.
Our Babies
1st born: Joe Pastel Barna
2nd born: Peter Pedro Barna Jr.
3rd born: Szeretlek Love Barna
4th born: Michael Harold Barna
5th born: Chad Tiger Barna
6th born: Chandler Raymond Barna
7th born: Joey Balazs Barna
8th born: Dani Orlando Barna
9th born: Muriel Szilvi Barna
10th born: Kiley Marietta Barna
11th born: Ann Robin Barna
12th born: Ross Ulrich Barna
13th born: Maria Rochelle Barna
14th born: Ben Henry Barna
15th born: Brad Will Barna
16th born: Chandra Juliana Barna
17th born: György Yalcin Barna
18th born: Gábor Angel Barna
19th born: Jenna Rose Barna
20th born: Ernő Wilbur Barna
21th born: Mercedes Laleh Barna
22th born: Leah Sissy Barna
All last name "Barna"
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Birthday Greetings
Today was my brother's 23rd birthday. We got him a 7-up cake and a stethescope. If that's spelled right.
The reason for one of those is because he is going into nursing school, so. Mom thought it would be appropriate.
I ate some chocolate covered raisins today. So good.
Evil sin.
I did some AP work. College courses are hard.
Right now I am about to do some more.
There was a bat at our church flying around outside. Those things are so dangerous. It's crazy. People were standing and staring at it; I hurried up and got in the car. There was this case about 2 years ago, this boy got bit by one, and he died. He got rabies. This wasn't far from where I live either. He got bit at school :(
My kittens are so big. I wish I wasn't lazy, I would put a picture in but I am too lazy.
Tomorrow is already Monday. Then Tuesday. I won't go to All American, because I am going to be so busy then. Maybe next week.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
The new year is almost here, which is so sad. Then it will be June again; time passes by so fast.
Pastel I am waiting..
Friday, August 31, 2007
I get to rest, and that's why I love it so much. No more things to do every day, all day.
Right now, I am eating a JollyRancher. I know I shouldn't but, they are good, and, I don't have to chew.
Dentist Wensday.
I got in a writing 20 mins before midnight; at least I did it Pastel. ;)
This week once again, went by so fast. You know? Once it hits Wensday, there is no week left.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I know schooling is so time consuming, but it is all necessary to become successful. I got all your many emails. It's funny to go to my inbox and see a bunch of "Pastel" letters. Hehe..
I had the weirdest night last night. I feel asleep early, and I was so tired. I woke up at 1 am, and did some work, then I went back to sleep at 4:10. Sadly, I had to wake up at 5:45, so you can tell that I didn't get that much sleep last night.
I missed our morning time because of that.
Lo siento.
I am going to try to get more stuff done, so I can get to bed and not have to get only 5 hours of sleep per night.
That was awful.
I am going back to the Dentist next week. Elation.
I was thinking about sending my letter(s) this weekend. The reason why I am sending more than one is because of the postage thing you were talking about. It would be expensive.
You know? Your Spanish lessons have been put on hault. It stinks because you were catching on really fast; what a pity.
I'm going to be free Saturday :D
Sunday too, I think.
How did that apartment rental turn out? Did you ask yet? I bet you will get it. 'Cause you're so cool.
I have to admit, I still owe you a LOT of songs. That last one was terrible. I told you mornings aren't good.
I'm watching your blog.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I LUB You!
I did alright today, just got sweaty a bit, and right now, that shower is calling me.
My ear itches.
Today, Pastel made the biggest post I think I have ever seen him make in my life; I was so proud. :D
It almost rained on me today. I was outside.
It is so weird. I don't have anything to talk about. That never happens to me.
I went to All American, and I just got back, and I am happy (Elated for Pastel :D)
I did good! And I didn't fall (too much). I was doing way better. Ha.
My bad day is over, and I am hoping that they stay over. That one tired day I had was so embarassing, and just plain terrible. I could not believe how terrible I did. That was a month ago, so I guess it doesn't matter anymore.
Like I said, not much to talk about. My kittens are fat now, and big, and no longer kittens, but 'gatos' (Cats)
My back itches, I'm going to go scratch it.
Hey look! My time is 6:11
It sucks, because I was right about this thing. I would not have enough time to write in my blog. Sadly, I am guessing, this will happen a LOT, and, and will most likely have to move my writing to once a week :( *tear.
In other news, No more camp.
Schooling takes the place of that.
Pastel got his letter. I was so nervous because I didn't think I sent it right. He said he would hold my kids ransom if I didn't send 1 million the next time.
Ok, this was a cheating post since I missed out last night, then hopefully I will come back here tonight and rewrite if I have time. I have Gymnastics tonight, so I doubt it.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
At Ease
It's so strange, it's almost like clockwork me waking up in the middle of the night with a stupid toothache, but I haven't had that in the past.. I don't know.
Tomorrow is going to be full.
If I don't make another post from today, it's because my schedule is eating me up. No more time around the house!
Sunday was a ususal.
I'm married by the way. Just ask Pastel.
I am so tired. You have no imagine. After shopping yesterday, I came in and slept for 4 hours. And today, I didn't do that, and my body is just like "OMG GO TO SLEEP."
So I am dying for a pillow right about now.
I cleaned up today. It looks good in here.
Well right now there is work to be done, so I need to leave, but until Next time!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thank you Jesus.
Well, I still had trouble last night, but it was nothing compared to my usual pain. 4 hours later it came back, and I had to sit up for about 6 minutes to let it go away.
I feel so much better. I am so happy about that. It made me frustrated though. We will see what happens though.
Today, went shopping, got some new stuff, and I got my hair done. Yippee. I have bangs again.
Lately, I just haven't been caring; I have been keeping it up in a bun, which gets old.
Now it's straight, and side bangs baby. Now that's hott.
I almost forgot about this post. It is almost 12, and I was like "Oh yeah, I gotta take care of that." I've been doing this for 3 months. :D
Sunday is here, and then it will be Monday, and then Friday. Time goes by so quickly now, it's scary.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Pain Game
Exhibit A: ME.
I am not satisfied with this tooth, it is driving me up the walls, and my mouth is swollen. Hurts, to eat, and makes me so sore. I want to cry right now.
At our big celebration tonight, I could barely eat, and it was so sad.
The food was so good, instead of a barbeque, we had a fish fry.
Man, my sister can cook. Makes me a little jealous. NOT. I would rather have someone else cook. Hehe. I attempt to cook in the kitchen.
Darn, I should have taken a picture.
Almost all my siblings were there; 3 were missing.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Making Babies.
Either that or Zach's way: Crack open a pumpkin, and eat the seeds.
Interesting day, I had today. I went with Josephine to Taco Bell for lunch; $6.45 for two people, that's not bad.
My jaw got swollen last night, as I was sleep, and it went down a little this afternoon, but when I went to camp, people definately noticed. So embarassing. This morning, it looked like I had a peice of candy in my mouth.
My dentist put me on medication for my mouth, and I am so afraid to take the pain killers, because I hear they are really easy to get addicted to. PLUS.. it says if you take more than recommended when recommended, you could start having liver problems.
And you know, I don't need ANY more problems.
I cleaned. I was so happy. You know that never happens. I only had time for one room today, but tonight, I think I am going to finish the rest.
My sister came down from Ohio today, and it was so strange because they attacked me at camp. I didn't know they were coming.
She's going to stay a week, and then go back up there.
Right now, the pain isn't so bad. That crazy dentist gave me so many shots; it feel a little infected in the roof of my mouth and in some places in the back, but I think that is what's been causing all the swelling; when that goes away, the swelling should go with it.
Tomorrow, my dad is going to have a barbeque to celebrate my sister coming down. I am not going to miss that. It should be really fun. No camp either, so it's perfecto.
This weekend, around Saturday is going to be hectic though; Shopping, meetings, and moving. So much to do, so little time.
Right now, it is past time to eat, so I am going to go fix me some dinner.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Basicly, all I did today was go to the dentist, and come home to recover. Even tonight, I am not over it. My jawline hurts extremely bad, and it sore. I cannot open it wide at all.
I came home, and stayed up a little. My mouth was tired, so I took a nap, and overslept camp. Whoops.
Oh well, my mouth was sore anyways, why bother. I couldn't yell.
It is already Thursday! Well close, since it is Wensday night. I think this day went by fast; considering I slept through the afternoon.
For dinner, I ate a club sandwich (Lettuce, tomatoes, ham and cheese) and watermelon. I think that was an ok dinner, considering I could barely eat anything. SORE.
Believe it or not, it was really hard to bite into my sandwich; I had to chew like I was retarded. It hurt, but I was hungry.
I got a lot of sleep last night, and I took a short nap today, but for some reason, I am really tired right now, worn out. I didn't really do anything.
I have to go back, AGAIN, in 2 weeks.
It never ends.
All this pain will be worth it though; no more waking up in the middle of the night with throbbing pains.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Take it easy
I think actually it went towards Mexico.
Wow, no early morning anything, I was home most of the day until 4:00 pm.
Today was my mom's birthday, and my brother took us all out to dinner at 'Red Lobster'. I thought that was a silly thing because he is allergic to all types of fish. He got a steak instead.
You know what I just realized? This thing is like a giant diary. I mean, I write in it everyday, but I don't think of it like that. I can look back all the way to June, and see what I did every single day.
Can you believe it is already almost September? Then it will be November, then December. Then JANUARY. OMG, nobody wants to think about that.
The years are going by faster and faster, and all we can do is hold on for our lives. :D
HEY YOU! Read the post under this one. For some weird reason it didn't show up when I posted it, and it only showed up when I posted this one. Weird.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Ouch! 8月20日
No Camp today, but I did have to go up there to take care of some stuff.
I was happy today, because earlier, I made time to play piano, and study. I haven't done either one of those in about 28394702837452030275021029101298341982734 years.
I couldn't believe I retained some of that japanese I rushed through the last time I studied. Amazing.
I am listening to Selena's "La Llamada" Man I love that woman.
Okay, so tomorrow is the day of the hurricane. Yeah right. Another sunny day today. I doubt it. I think it went to Mexico anyways. (Watch the hurricane hits us in the morning.)
I might even clean a little tonight. I still have time. I can't believe it. I miss all those days of laying around wasting time. Now, I barely have time to sleep. Hoy was a miracle day though. I did a little thing called 'relaxing.'
Bohemian Rhapsody. I tried to learn how to play this song by ear. I did alright. I mean, it's not perfect, but pretty good for someone who only reads.
Random Japanese.
Tomorrow is my mom's birthday. I still haven't bought a present.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Tickle Me Pink
Tooth problems, but then again, what's new?
YOU HAVE GOT TO TRY: Sonic's "Lemon-Berry Slush." I get one of those every single time I go there, and it is the best thing since sliced bread. It's fresh fruit, and juice.
Today is already Sunday, (can you believe it?) and I went to church. Amazing.
I got knocked up by Pastel this weekend. I'm gonna be a Mommy; triplets too. He joked around and said he was going to name them all "Joe" so there wouldn't be any confusion with who's who.
Supposively, there is going to be a hurricane coming this way Tuesday. They picked a specific day and everything. Can you believe that? Too bad it was sunny today. Maybe it will just pop out at us.
I just got done eating a burrito from Taco Bell. Man, those things are the best.
I guess I went on a junk food rampage this weekend. I worked myself to death this past week, I think I deserve it.
Tomorrow is a day off from camp, but I still have to go up there to take care of some stuff.
Tickle me pink? Why did I put that? I'm in a good mood? That is one of the oddest names of a color that I have ever seen in my life? Possibly.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Sugar and Spider-Pig
I got to spend time with a bunch of friends in the Memorial City Mall all day.
Pastel had to get onto me because I just went to the dentist, and I was eating some candy today. I can't eat a lot anyway because my teeth aren't completely fixed.
Last night, I had the worst tooth pain in weeks. It woke me up. Tengo miedo, because it was the EXACT same one that I got fixed last Thursday. WHICH MEANS, it's not actually fixed, and they might have to go back in, or just plain pull it.
I don't want either.
Watching other people eat ice cream is pure torture. I can't eat it because I'm lactose intolerant! PLUS, my workout regimes wouldn't allow it. Yet another reason why I deserve a relaxed day. Seriously, this week was so hectic. I barely had time to sit and write in this blog! You know, I have to do it again next week, only I'm going to the dentist Wends. instead of Thurs.
Wow, it's late.
I almost didn't make it home.
My tooth dilemma is really upsetting me right now. I was excited to get it taken care of, to remove the pain, and it just doesn't go away. So depressing.
I went to the movies today. I saw "The Simpson's Movie" It was good, but some people didn't like it. Make sure you attend it with people OVER 12.
I thought it was funny.
I used to watch the Simpson's a lot when I was younger. I don't watch it at all anymore.
I wanted to see "Rush Hour 3" but I DID NOT think of that one! I was in a large group of people (5) and I didn't think of it; it was one of those "whatever you want to see, I don't care" kinda moments. I didn't think of it! I was mad too.
Friday, August 17, 2007
My toe hurts :(
I ate a hippo today! I split it with a friend though.
We had a large revival tonight, and there were so many people there. Afterwards, we ate a BUNCH of food. I love to do that.
People though I was pregnant.
My stomach sticks out like that. Seriously. About 5 months.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
No Quiero Saber
All day.
On and off.
It was so hot, and now it's so wet. I don't think I will ever be satisfied. There are a BUNCH of hurricane warnings for my area. That sucks. Just what I need to throw off my whole schedule. Tomorrow I am going to be so busy. AGAIN. Nothings new. I am surprised. I don't have All American tomorrow, but yet, I am still busy as ever. It's usual now.
I went to the dentist today!! They fixed my bad tooth! Yet ontop of all that, it hurts at random times still. This frustrates me so bad. I have been going through pain for the longest time, and now that I get it fixed, there is still pain. That is so disencouraging. PLUS, my mouth tastes like a cement truck.
Oh well, at least I can sleep on my right side again.
I got 4 taken care of today. I have to go back next Wensday.
I inherited miserable teeth.
I was listening to "No Quiero Saber" by Selena earlier. That song reminds me of "The Wonder Years" and one of those 'Members Only' Jackets.
Don't you love the 80's?
I have been eating a lot of grapes lately.
Breakfast: Grapes
Lunch: Goldfish and Grapes (Not the actual fish Pastel)
Dinner: Beef Stew and Grapes
Just now: Grapes
I don't know what has come over me.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Can't Touch This
I can't wait til they both pass, and it's Winter already. I am so tired of the heat.
I am just tired.
I need sleep.
I was trying to learn Hammer time earlier. It isn't as hard as it looks. "CAN'T TOUCH THIS" Hehe, that's a classic.
McDonalds' "Southern Style Chicken Sandwich" wasn't so bad. I had one tonight. Good, but a little bare; all it had on it was the chicken and 2 pickles.
Most of my soreness went away, but now and again, there is the occasional pain in the shoulders. What's new.
I'm going to the dentist again tomorrow. Possibly, they are going to fix my bad tooth. I am so happy, No more late nights! Let's just hope they don't skip it like last time. They worked on one that has never given me problems at all.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I just ate a TON of grapes, and now I feel like one.
I got back from Gymnastics a little while ago, and it was a SUPER class. I mean, I had a bad start from reminisence of last week, but I got better in the last 35 mins or so. All I had to do was "jump."
Today was supposed to be EXTREMELY hot, but then it almost rained. I miss the rain! I remember a few weeks ago, I couldn't stand it, it was so much, now I am praying for it. August is definately a killer.
I went to this new Chinese restraunt in town with my mom, and the owner (I guess) kept talking to us about random stuff. He was pretty funny though, and he even packed our leftovers; he also threw in a lesson in cultured Chinese food, and why we should never eat at the rival restraunt "Top China." I had a party there once. I love their sushi!
We have so many Chinese restraunts here.
Wow, it's 10 o'clock. I'm surprised I'm not sleepy right now! If this was any other day, I would be passed out by now.
I think it is all that adrenaline from flipping at All American.
I feel so good about Tuesday Night. I am happy I did good.
Ok, the sleep just hit me like a rushing mighty wind, so I am going to hit the bed.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sore Muscles
The heat advisory today was 102 degrees F. Now, that's hooot!
I'm so sore right now. Shoulder muscles. I don't think those have ever been hurt. I have gymnastics tomorrow too. Yippee.
I had to change my schedule afterall, because Fridays are just too hectic. Plus, I'm not doing anything on Tuesdays nights. *I get another change to redeem myself for what happened Friday. It was a terrible class*
I have to get up at 6:20 tomorrow to go to the Taqueria to meet a friend. SO EARLY.
I had the strangest dinner tonight: Grapes, Watermelon, and Lasagna?
That didn't fit.
That one is almost weird as that one time I had pancakes and fried okra. Hehe.
I finally changed the song! I couldn't choose, so I got V6. I was getting a little tired of K. He is a great singer, but not every single time I enter my blog.
"Days - Tears of the World" is a good song. It makes me think of dying babies though. I don't know why. I think it's the whole 'tears of the world' thing.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Right now, I am too tired to write anything. Here comes the week again, and I am not prepared for it. It sucks. I really do miss sleeping in.
Last night I went to sleep at around 8 or 9, which happened in the weirdest way; I was doing some contortion, (You know, conditioning for my back) and then I stretched out on the floor and went to sleep. So strange. Later I got up and went to the bed, and then went to sleep.
I got up the this morning at 8:20 a.m. I could not belive I slept that long. That never happens. I guess it is good for me. I should do it more often.
Too tell you the truth, I seriously don't know why I put "Habanera" on my title. I don't think I spelled that right anyway.
In a few weeks, I might have to change my Gymnastic day to Tuesday, because my Fridays are becoming more and more busy. I am not getting there on time.
Gaah, my triceps hurt like a mug.
I am going to miss this writing in my blog. It is going to slow down to a post a week, I am sure.
I have NO time for piano. Sucks. I was on the third page of "Wind of Life" too. At least I finished 'Only Human.'
I think my computer caught a virus yesterday. If it did, it was a weird one. My anti-virus serivce said that it caught a trojan virus. Those things are deadly. It said that it was one that takes files off of your computer, and puts them on the internet. Especially Microsoft Word documents. Private files, and photos. It is nicknamed "embarassment" I don't have files that would embarass me, but a virus is still a virus, no matter what.
My computer just got done being in the shop for a few days 2 months ago, updating the virus protection. It better not catch anything.
I had trouble turning it on this morning, which scared the crap outta me. I thought it was crashing by a virus, but I think I was logged in trying to log in twice. I EXTREMELY hope that was a one time thing. I am so afraid to turn it off; it might not come back on.
This wasn't a cheap computer.
I guess my tooth pain has slowed up. I just need to go back Thursday, and we will see what else goes from there.
Right now, I am tired, so I am going to sleep. It's only 10:33 too, but you know what, I need 8 hours of sleep now.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Favorite Worst Day
I had a miserable yesterday, and I wasn't able to write in my blog.
I knew this was going to happen.
Oh well, I had a nice 2 full months.
Gymnastics was terrible. My body was tired from camp, I got little sleep, and I had stretched my body in ways even I didn't know was possible. All I wanted to do was go home and rest. I got the first part, I went home, but I had to wash clothes before it was time to go to gymnastics. I had one hour to get that done. I ended up going to sleep.
OH NO. It's 5:15 pm. That's what time my gymnastics starts by the way, and I rushed up and got dressed.
It was terrible. I was so tired, and it felt like I was flipping though mud. My legs were too slow, and my back was just too weak. I got a couple of flipflops out, and then the rest I fell flat down on the floor. I had to stop for a while, but I kept falling still. I couldn't land it, I just couldn't push my body anymore.
I was so tired.
I felt so mad at myself because I really was wanting to advance, but I couldn't because of my tiredness (if that's even a word).
Afterwards, I went to a party. A birthday party infact. It was great. I needed to give a little more lively. I just wanted to sleep though. I had fun, and we got eaten up by mosquitoes, but it was good.
I came home at 12:10 or so, and it was too late for yesterday's blog entry, so I didn't worry about it.
I wanted to go to the theatre and see "Rush Hour 3," but I went to the party instead. I figured I could do that any other time.
I am still sore, and my arm muscles feel swollen. All for a good cause right?
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Feliz! Alegre!
It was so hot today! I was sure I was going to melt.
I ran the track this morning, I've never been so tired.
I guess I should do that a little more.
I have not been having my track sessions for a while. I haven't had the time. It sucks too.
I remember last week! AHH!
"Rush Hour 3" comes out tomorrow! Definately going to see that!
I saw a girl I haven't seen in a while. Turns up she's pregnant! Wow. At least she knows who the daddy is.
I WAS SO EXCITED. I got my postcard from Peter today! It is so sad. His handwriting is WAY better than mine. So sad.
Now it's my turn. I think I am going to send a 4-page letter. That was an old song. Does anyone know this one? (By Aaliyah.)
My tooth! I got some done yesterday. I think the dentist did it wrong. One side of the new tooth is pointy, which isn't good because it pokes into my upper molars. What I had done yesterday was a filling. NO root canal yet; they are working on the easy stuff first. I haven't had pain though. I had a little today after breakfast, which by the way was rushed because I was running late.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
"I am excited to get my root canals tomorrow."
I never thought I would see the day when I would say that.
Yes, yes, it's true. I am finally getting some fixed. Notice the SOME.
I need so much work on my gums. The jean pool played a nasty trick on me.
Wow, was it ever hot today. I've been saying "Hace calor" all day! Right now I am falling asleep because I was up at such weird times yesterday.
I haven't been to sleep all day, which is so strange..
Normally, I would be passed out right now.
Monday, August 6, 2007
In 2 days.
I will get the ultimate surgery. I don't think this is classified as a surgery though. But. NO MORE NIGHT PAIN! I can't wait.
All for free too!
I never though I would see the day.
CHECK out this video Peter found:
I think it's cute. Haha.
It is so late. I have to get up in like.. 4 hours. SUCKS.
New words!
"Siraly" Kinda like the old Kiraly..
"Szia" Like see ya in hungarian form.
Extra cool right?
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Good News!
Everything is out of order!
Oh well, it is just going to have to stay like this. I have absolutely NO time to do that.
Camp is going to suck the time I had up. That is alright, because I get to be around people younger than me.
That always makes me feel good.
I know I am not like 50 or anything, but sometimes I feel 100. With all this pain, and bone aches.. I'm too young for this I tell ya.
I feel like such a Hungarian! I am remembering better! At least I think so. Jeez.
Ez gagyi! I am going to be using that one a lot.
Today I learned:
"Gagyi" Gay, stupid, crappy.
"Stipi Stopi" (I think this one is funny) Shotgun.
"Korog a gyomrom" I think it means stomach growling?
I have good news:
I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico.
But seriously.. I have good news.
I got approved for the dental insurance, and they are going to cover all of my needed operations! I don't have to pay 800 dollars for each tooth! WOo!
Yeah, the only bad part about that, is that I need root canals. SUCKS.
I would rather go through that pain, than continue suffering with these bad teeth now.
"Yaatte! Itsu ka yume no!" Ok ok ok, I am listening to this song. I still haven't decided what I want to put on yet. Hmm.. Japanese? English? Hungarian? <--What? Spanish?