Monday, August 6, 2007


2 days.

In 2 days.

I will get the ultimate surgery. I don't think this is classified as a surgery though. But. NO MORE NIGHT PAIN! I can't wait.

All for free too!

I never though I would see the day.

CHECK out this video Peter found:

I think it's cute. Haha.


It is so late. I have to get up in like.. 4 hours. SUCKS.

New words!

"Siraly" Kinda like the old Kiraly..

"Szia" Like see ya in hungarian form.

Extra cool right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tomorrow 5:30am(10:30pm), dont forget :)
how you mean it 'too rich'?
check my blog
aww you should put your voice in your blog ;)