Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I LUB You!

Ha, I was listening to "Days- Tears of the World," and this one part, they are saying 'I love you,' but instead, it came out sounding like 'I lub you.' These guys have pretty thick accents what can I say?

I did alright today, just got sweaty a bit, and right now, that shower is calling me.

My ear itches.

Today, Pastel made the biggest post I think I have ever seen him make in my life; I was so proud. :D

It almost rained on me today. I was outside.

It is so weird. I don't have anything to talk about. That never happens to me.

I went to All American, and I just got back, and I am happy (Elated for Pastel :D)

I did good! And I didn't fall (too much). I was doing way better. Ha.

My bad day is over, and I am hoping that they stay over. That one tired day I had was so embarassing, and just plain terrible. I could not believe how terrible I did. That was a month ago, so I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

Like I said, not much to talk about. My kittens are fat now, and big, and no longer kittens, but 'gatos' (Cats)

My back itches, I'm going to go scratch it.


Anonymous said...

i'm late with your comment :P
well i dont know what should i write overe here we are talking so rare nowadays you are hury to school all the time i hate your school :) haha

Anonymous said...

make a post today
i wanna proud of you :)

Anonymous said...

and dont be lazy like me :D