Thursday, August 23, 2007

Making Babies.

"How to make a baby: Use some Pastel juice and get some Leah mix it and wait 9 months."

Either that or Zach's way: Crack open a pumpkin, and eat the seeds.


Interesting day, I had today. I went with Josephine to Taco Bell for lunch; $6.45 for two people, that's not bad.

My jaw got swollen last night, as I was sleep, and it went down a little this afternoon, but when I went to camp, people definately noticed. So embarassing. This morning, it looked like I had a peice of candy in my mouth.

My dentist put me on medication for my mouth, and I am so afraid to take the pain killers, because I hear they are really easy to get addicted to. PLUS.. it says if you take more than recommended when recommended, you could start having liver problems.

And you know, I don't need ANY more problems.

I cleaned. I was so happy. You know that never happens. I only had time for one room today, but tonight, I think I am going to finish the rest.

My sister came down from Ohio today, and it was so strange because they attacked me at camp. I didn't know they were coming.

She's going to stay a week, and then go back up there.

Right now, the pain isn't so bad. That crazy dentist gave me so many shots; it feel a little infected in the roof of my mouth and in some places in the back, but I think that is what's been causing all the swelling; when that goes away, the swelling should go with it.

Tomorrow, my dad is going to have a barbeque to celebrate my sister coming down. I am not going to miss that. It should be really fun. No camp either, so it's perfecto.

This weekend, around Saturday is going to be hectic though; Shopping, meetings, and moving. So much to do, so little time.

Right now, it is past time to eat, so I am going to go fix me some dinner.

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