Saturday, September 15, 2007

Off Day.

I watched 3 movies today! That is the best I have done in--a while! I hardly ever watch movies anymore.

So anyway, I watched:

"200 Pound Beauty": Which is a Korean movie. It was pretty good. I think it is more of a chick flick though.

It took me about 5 hours to watch that because I kept having to push pause because people kept talking to me, and calling me. Then when I finished that, I saw that "Catwoman" was coiming on.

I have seen this movie at least 2 times before, but I never got to finish it; I have always been interrupted. So I finished it. I give it 6 stars out of 10.

Right after that, "Batman" came on. I just watched it. Now this was the old one. From 1989. It is alright. It is on right now.

The 80's theme is great.

Today was a relaxing day. I went out for Chinese. I haven't had had in a while. Sushi tasted a little weird though.

Tooth is giving me problems again.

I talked to Pastel today. It wasn't very long because we both had to go leave.

Alfred Hickock. Isn't he that psycho movie director that made all those classic horror movies? I don't think I have seen any.

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