Thursday, October 25, 2007


Ha, this has been an easy week, and I am glad. I went to sleep so early last night, I don't even remember what happened.

So what has happened since that last post?

Well, I had All American on Tuesday as usual.. hmm.. did the thriller dance.. tooth broke out.. lemon-berry slush.. wait--WHAT?

Yeah. I have really bad teeth, as we all know this. And so, as I was eating a cheese nip, I felt something jam in my mouth. It started to wiggle, and I just figured it was a piece of cracker. No it was the side of my tooth that cracked off. At first I was scared because I didn't know if it would hurt later, or start hurting then. I didn't know if the rest of that tooth would fall out. Strange thing it is, to have your teeth just chip off. It wasn't a little piece either. It was a side of my tooth. I held it in my hand!

Makes me want to cry. I don't have time for the dentist anymore, and his office is closed on the weekends. What is a girl to do?

I have gotten over my sick spell I had last week; all I have now is a little cough. Just a little one, and my nose was running some today.

It is finally cold outside. There might be a chance of snow this year!

OH, and Pastel, I finally got your letter yesterday. It was funny.

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