Sunday, October 28, 2007


Hah, it's Sunday again, and these weeks are passing by faster than I can look at the calender.
Oh what do you know, October is almost gone. Who would have guessed November was just around the corner?

Then guess what?

Just 61 more days until this year is over. I can't believe it. So fast, yet so soon. Welcome 2008.

WOW, that is too hard to think about. I think I just want to stick with October.

Halloween is this week. I think I am going to dress up as myself. Seriously, I don't have a costume, and I think I have la escuela that day.

Zach came to church with us today. It was fun as usual. That silly man. I took this picture this morning:

Well, I don't remember if I made a post yesterday, and I know I could have just checked my blog, but sometimes, I think even I am too lazy to do that.

We went to THRILL THE WORLD in Spring, and it was fun, yet, a little dissapointing. We learned the full dance, yet, when we arrived at the designation, it was deserted. But we made the best of it by finding a nearby park to dance at.

It is late, I should be asleep, but I figured if I didn't post about it now, then I would forget it later.

Oh, and I almost forgot.

That mean ol' Pastel is such a jerk.

He takes up all my day. He is so rude. Again, that chico occupied my whole Sunday evening. Like most every Sunday evening, and we talked until 7 something. The nerve of some people! :D

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