Sunday, October 14, 2007


My yesterday was full.

I hate this, I took too long to post this, so now I have to write two days in one post.

Well today was a wonderful day because Pastel was in it. [hehe]

Did you know that I had 4 pairs of legs? You know what that means lol.

I went to church today, like I do every Sunday.

Right now, I am sleepy, and I am trying to squeeze in a post before I go to bed. Saturday was very very fun.

I had a bunch of friends over: First: Dia came over at 7 in the morning so we could go to the Parade together, and then we left at about 8:10 or so. Later, My sister and Zach came over after the Parade, along with Dia, and we stayed at my house for a while. It was a very interesting day. Just as Pastel.

Later, Zach and I went to another party, where we left early. I was tired, and I wanted to go to sleep.

It was fun, I was jsut too stupid to keep any of the pictures I took. I deleted them all. I actually found my camera this past week. I was so happy lol. I lost it for a long time.

Last Thursday I purchased my new phone. They said it should be here in about 3-5 business days, which is about a week. I am excited.

This week shouldn't be as hectic as last week, and so on. I think that it will be easier since I get one day off. YES. It is fair week, and the weather is changing. I can't wait for some ice on the streets.

(Maybe not snow since it NEVER snows down here)

Ok, so I am tired, and I still have plenty of things to do before I go to bed. I will just have to try to remember to post tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey thank you
mine was good too