Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I just got done finishing the best slush in the world: Lemon-Berry Slush from Sonic. El Mejor.

Gymnastics was fun tonight. I am happy because I did really good. I got faster on my coordination, and I got a little cleaner. The bad thing about that is at the end, I guess I let it go to my head a little bit because I started to land crappy.

I am not so tired right now, but later, I will be. I am trying to get as much stuff done as I can right now.

Man, I hate going to my hotmail, or englishbaby accounts because I have SO much mail. I don't have time to check it all. Just like the ones that need to be answered right away, or notifications. *Cough* Pastel.

So anyway, I got up early today to do my hair, but I ended up getting in the bathroom to do it a little too late, and then I ran out of time, so I only did one half of it, so I just left it like that. It looked funny because half of it was straight and then half of it was wavy.

I cannot wait until Winter. I love that time of the year. When I got out of the car tonight, it seemed like it was a little cooler outside. I am so excited.

I hope it snows.

It rarely snows down here.

I think it snowed like 2 times in the past 18 years. Im serious.

It's so hot in Texas :(

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