Friday, November 30, 2007

The Great Diente Mystery

I finally got rid of my earaches! I hope at least. The tooth has been taken care of, and I now have a silver tooth D:

So, for the past, I don't know how long, I have been trying to figure out where my Dentist's origins are.

He has one of the thickest accents ever [Well not so bad I guess, but you can tell he's foreign] and I have been puzzled trying to figure out from where.

Anyone else wouldn't care less about the matter, but knowing me, the matter is a thorn in my side.

I mean really. Who cares where their dentist is from?--Someone who is planning to major in Foreign languages and Linguistics, that's who.

So anyway, I have been putting 2 and 2 together, and this is what I got:

He is light skin.
Brown hair.

Ok, so these aren't the best, but they have something.

His dental assistant has the accent too.

More Facts!

He has an extremely hairy chest.. Gross, and that makes me think of Italy. How do I know about the chest? This guy is right in my face when he is digging for gold in my gum line all the time. How could you NOT see it?

I seriously thought he was from Greece for the longest time. [Not because of the hair of course.]

Then I thought maybe he was from a Spanish speaking country. Remember that Juan Franco thing? Well, this could have been the same case.

His last name is Scherer, so that was cancelled out.

What kind of last name is Scherer? Who knows!

I heard him talking on the phone again, and don't get me wrong, I am not an eavesdropper, I just heard him from my chair, and he talked in a way I definately couldn't understand. I figured it was a European language for sure.

It kinda reminded me about Pastel, and when he talks in Hungarian. Was he Hungarian? Do Hungarians have hairy chests? Lol Hope not ;)

Maybe not Hungary. It is impossible.

It wasn't until today where I got my biggest lead.

"I once worked with a Sri Lankan, and a Filippino."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, that was when I was living in Qatar."

Now this was the converstion between a dentist assistant, and my dentist. It was so weird because they were digging in my mouth talking about their past jobs.

It was the dental assistant who said this.. and then she said,

"I also worked with a lady from Romania," and then he got really intrested. "Really?" He said.

"Yeah! But she was so quiet. I thought to myself, 'she is nothing like the guy I know from back home!'"

So, he is from Romania.

Case Closed.

I think I want to go get me a cup of coffee.

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