Thursday, August 30, 2007


This post is just for you:

I know schooling is so time consuming, but it is all necessary to become successful. I got all your many emails. It's funny to go to my inbox and see a bunch of "Pastel" letters. Hehe..

I had the weirdest night last night. I feel asleep early, and I was so tired. I woke up at 1 am, and did some work, then I went back to sleep at 4:10. Sadly, I had to wake up at 5:45, so you can tell that I didn't get that much sleep last night.

I missed our morning time because of that.

Lo siento.

I am going to try to get more stuff done, so I can get to bed and not have to get only 5 hours of sleep per night.

That was awful.

I am going back to the Dentist next week. Elation.

I was thinking about sending my letter(s) this weekend. The reason why I am sending more than one is because of the postage thing you were talking about. It would be expensive.

You know? Your Spanish lessons have been put on hault. It stinks because you were catching on really fast; what a pity.

I'm going to be free Saturday :D

Sunday too, I think.

How did that apartment rental turn out? Did you ask yet? I bet you will get it. 'Cause you're so cool.

I have to admit, I still owe you a LOT of songs. That last one was terrible. I told you mornings aren't good.

I'm watching your blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you :)