Saturday, August 18, 2007

Sugar and Spider-Pig

I needed a day like today.

I got to spend time with a bunch of friends in the Memorial City Mall all day.

Pastel had to get onto me because I just went to the dentist, and I was eating some candy today. I can't eat a lot anyway because my teeth aren't completely fixed.

Last night, I had the worst tooth pain in weeks. It woke me up. Tengo miedo, because it was the EXACT same one that I got fixed last Thursday. WHICH MEANS, it's not actually fixed, and they might have to go back in, or just plain pull it.

I don't want either.


Watching other people eat ice cream is pure torture. I can't eat it because I'm lactose intolerant! PLUS, my workout regimes wouldn't allow it. Yet another reason why I deserve a relaxed day. Seriously, this week was so hectic. I barely had time to sit and write in this blog! You know, I have to do it again next week, only I'm going to the dentist Wends. instead of Thurs.

Wow, it's late.

I almost didn't make it home.

My tooth dilemma is really upsetting me right now. I was excited to get it taken care of, to remove the pain, and it just doesn't go away. So depressing.

I went to the movies today. I saw "The Simpson's Movie" It was good, but some people didn't like it. Make sure you attend it with people OVER 12.

I thought it was funny.

I used to watch the Simpson's a lot when I was younger. I don't watch it at all anymore.

I wanted to see "Rush Hour 3" but I DID NOT think of that one! I was in a large group of people (5) and I didn't think of it; it was one of those "whatever you want to see, I don't care" kinda moments. I didn't think of it! I was mad too.

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