Monday, August 13, 2007

Sore Muscles


The heat advisory today was 102 degrees F. Now, that's hooot!

I'm so sore right now. Shoulder muscles. I don't think those have ever been hurt. I have gymnastics tomorrow too. Yippee.

I had to change my schedule afterall, because Fridays are just too hectic. Plus, I'm not doing anything on Tuesdays nights. *I get another change to redeem myself for what happened Friday. It was a terrible class*

I have to get up at 6:20 tomorrow to go to the Taqueria to meet a friend. SO EARLY.

I had the strangest dinner tonight: Grapes, Watermelon, and Lasagna?

That didn't fit.

That one is almost weird as that one time I had pancakes and fried okra. Hehe.

I finally changed the song! I couldn't choose, so I got V6. I was getting a little tired of K. He is a great singer, but not every single time I enter my blog.

"Days - Tears of the World" is a good song. It makes me think of dying babies though. I don't know why. I think it's the whole 'tears of the world' thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sore muscles... he?
yeah because you do too much contortion nowadays

hey you didnt replied my email :(
ooowaaa ooowaaa
and you owe me a song too
ohh man you're getting lazy :)
chiao chica