Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Or at least that is what I am hoping. I got the root canal today, and the only other option is getting it pulled.

Basicly, all I did today was go to the dentist, and come home to recover. Even tonight, I am not over it. My jawline hurts extremely bad, and it sore. I cannot open it wide at all.

I came home, and stayed up a little. My mouth was tired, so I took a nap, and overslept camp. Whoops.

Oh well, my mouth was sore anyways, why bother. I couldn't yell.

It is already Thursday! Well close, since it is Wensday night. I think this day went by fast; considering I slept through the afternoon.

For dinner, I ate a club sandwich (Lettuce, tomatoes, ham and cheese) and watermelon. I think that was an ok dinner, considering I could barely eat anything. SORE.

Believe it or not, it was really hard to bite into my sandwich; I had to chew like I was retarded. It hurt, but I was hungry.

I got a lot of sleep last night, and I took a short nap today, but for some reason, I am really tired right now, worn out. I didn't really do anything.

I have to go back, AGAIN, in 2 weeks.

It never ends.

All this pain will be worth it though; no more waking up in the middle of the night with throbbing pains.

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