Sunday, August 26, 2007

At Ease

Wow, it feels so nice to not be in pain 24/7.

It's so strange, it's almost like clockwork me waking up in the middle of the night with a stupid toothache, but I haven't had that in the past.. I don't know.

Tomorrow is going to be full.

If I don't make another post from today, it's because my schedule is eating me up. No more time around the house!

Sunday was a ususal.

I'm married by the way. Just ask Pastel.

I am so tired. You have no imagine. After shopping yesterday, I came in and slept for 4 hours. And today, I didn't do that, and my body is just like "OMG GO TO SLEEP."

So I am dying for a pillow right about now.

I cleaned up today. It looks good in here.

Well right now there is work to be done, so I need to leave, but until Next time!

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