Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Strawberries and Chocolate!

Same day as yesterday, only I didn't get as tired..

Because I got tired tonight..

I forced myself to stay awake because I knew I would just repeat the same pattern: Stay up late, wake up early, be tired all day, go to sleep early, then stay up late..

I attempted to break the habit.

I did a pretty good job, only I'm about to pass out. SO SLEEPY!

This weekend is going to be SO HECTIC! Especially Friday.

Gymnastics, Moving, Camp, Doctor's appointment, Shopping, Bill run.

It is going to be crazeh.

I don't think I will be here all day.

Thursday night is when all the fun is going to happen; I am going to have to prepare everything for Friday. There is no way I can just wing that day out. I am going to have to set out everything. It's my only way to survive.

Right now, my stomach is about to shrivel up. I am so hungry. I need to feed it.

Today I ate these Mexican chicharrones, only they weren't chicharones, they were papas de maiz, and they had the traditional lime and chile on it. GOOD.

Along with that, I had the bright idea to put Nesquick Chocolate syrup on strawberries. DELICIOSO.

Trust me, it's safe, I read the bottle.

I think I spelled Nesquick wrong. Oh wells.

I was up this morning at 5:45 a.m. What is wrong with me? I didn't have any pain.

Except for right now..



Man, I love that Japanese.

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