Sunday, August 12, 2007



Right now, I am too tired to write anything. Here comes the week again, and I am not prepared for it. It sucks. I really do miss sleeping in.

Last night I went to sleep at around 8 or 9, which happened in the weirdest way; I was doing some contortion, (You know, conditioning for my back) and then I stretched out on the floor and went to sleep. So strange. Later I got up and went to the bed, and then went to sleep.

I got up the this morning at 8:20 a.m. I could not belive I slept that long. That never happens. I guess it is good for me. I should do it more often.

Too tell you the truth, I seriously don't know why I put "Habanera" on my title. I don't think I spelled that right anyway.

In a few weeks, I might have to change my Gymnastic day to Tuesday, because my Fridays are becoming more and more busy. I am not getting there on time.

Gaah, my triceps hurt like a mug.

I am going to miss this writing in my blog. It is going to slow down to a post a week, I am sure.

I have NO time for piano. Sucks. I was on the third page of "Wind of Life" too. At least I finished 'Only Human.'

I think my computer caught a virus yesterday. If it did, it was a weird one. My anti-virus serivce said that it caught a trojan virus. Those things are deadly. It said that it was one that takes files off of your computer, and puts them on the internet. Especially Microsoft Word documents. Private files, and photos. It is nicknamed "embarassment" I don't have files that would embarass me, but a virus is still a virus, no matter what.

My computer just got done being in the shop for a few days 2 months ago, updating the virus protection. It better not catch anything.

I had trouble turning it on this morning, which scared the crap outta me. I thought it was crashing by a virus, but I think I was logged in trying to log in twice. I EXTREMELY hope that was a one time thing. I am so afraid to turn it off; it might not come back on.

This wasn't a cheap computer.

I guess my tooth pain has slowed up. I just need to go back Thursday, and we will see what else goes from there.

Right now, I am tired, so I am going to sleep. It's only 10:33 too, but you know what, I need 8 hours of sleep now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dont slow down writing to your blog
i dont allow this...

you know that virus
you're infected me
WITH spanish :):) haha
NEVER get off my back