Sunday, August 5, 2007

Good News!

Gah, I feel so unorganized. One day away, and I feel like I burned my house down.

Everything is out of order!

Oh well, it is just going to have to stay like this. I have absolutely NO time to do that.

Camp is going to suck the time I had up. That is alright, because I get to be around people younger than me.

That always makes me feel good.


I know I am not like 50 or anything, but sometimes I feel 100. With all this pain, and bone aches.. I'm too young for this I tell ya.

I feel like such a Hungarian! I am remembering better! At least I think so. Jeez.

Ez gagyi! I am going to be using that one a lot.

Today I learned:

"Gagyi" Gay, stupid, crappy.

"Stipi Stopi" (I think this one is funny) Shotgun.

"Korog a gyomrom" I think it means stomach growling?

I have good news:

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico.


But seriously.. I have good news.

I got approved for the dental insurance, and they are going to cover all of my needed operations! I don't have to pay 800 dollars for each tooth! WOo!

Yeah, the only bad part about that, is that I need root canals. SUCKS.

I would rather go through that pain, than continue suffering with these bad teeth now.


"Yaatte! Itsu ka yume no!" Ok ok ok, I am listening to this song. I still haven't decided what I want to put on yet. Hmm.. Japanese? English? Hungarian? <--What? Spanish?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey do you feel like a hungarian?
zsíííír :)
i adoptate you ;)