Tuesday, August 14, 2007


My belly feels like a waterballoon.

I just ate a TON of grapes, and now I feel like one.

I got back from Gymnastics a little while ago, and it was a SUPER class. I mean, I had a bad start from reminisence of last week, but I got better in the last 35 mins or so. All I had to do was "jump."

Today was supposed to be EXTREMELY hot, but then it almost rained. I miss the rain! I remember a few weeks ago, I couldn't stand it, it was so much, now I am praying for it. August is definately a killer.

I went to this new Chinese restraunt in town with my mom, and the owner (I guess) kept talking to us about random stuff. He was pretty funny though, and he even packed our leftovers; he also threw in a lesson in cultured Chinese food, and why we should never eat at the rival restraunt "Top China." I had a party there once. I love their sushi!

We have so many Chinese restraunts here.

Wow, it's 10 o'clock. I'm surprised I'm not sleepy right now! If this was any other day, I would be passed out by now.

I think it is all that adrenaline from flipping at All American.

I feel so good about Tuesday Night. I am happy I did good.

Ok, the sleep just hit me like a rushing mighty wind, so I am going to hit the bed.


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