Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Take it easy

Well, I'm still alive. It looks like the hurricane was invisible, because the sun was shinning all day. I think I want to sue those weather forecasters.

I think actually it went towards Mexico.

Wow, no early morning anything, I was home most of the day until 4:00 pm.

Today was my mom's birthday, and my brother took us all out to dinner at 'Red Lobster'. I thought that was a silly thing because he is allergic to all types of fish. He got a steak instead.

You know what I just realized? This thing is like a giant diary. I mean, I write in it everyday, but I don't think of it like that. I can look back all the way to June, and see what I did every single day.

Can you believe it is already almost September? Then it will be November, then December. Then JANUARY. OMG, nobody wants to think about that.

The years are going by faster and faster, and all we can do is hold on for our lives. :D

HEY YOU! Read the post under this one. For some weird reason it didn't show up when I posted it, and it only showed up when I posted this one. Weird.

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