Thursday, August 2, 2007



I have to get ready for tomorrow, I won't have hardly any time to be home. I am going to be on the run from 7 in the morning to 7 at night.

I like being out though.

Today was so-so.

I didn't really have to take on anything hard, and the heat wasn't a killer.

Tonight I had extreme piano practice. I was sweating! LoL. It was only because it was hot in the room. :D

I took some time to work on the "Sky Theme." I haven't played that in a while, and I forgot a little of it. It's such a pretty song, yet so simple.

"Rush Hour 3" comes out in a week! I can't wait to see that.

I got another review from "Hairspray." It was good, they said. I am still contemplating on whether or not I want to see it.

Gymnastics tomorrow! I cannot believe this! It still feels like last Friday, when I was getting frustrated!

Man, this week has gone by fast.


"Zsir" Fine; ok; good?

"Bogre" Cup

My little Hungarian!

I ate one of the best salads in the world today; one made by me.

Actually, this one doesn't look so good, but I make others :D (Psst.. that is chicken.. not anything else!)

Remember those ants I got attacked by a few weeks ago? THEY CAME BACK! For revenge! No kidding! They were all over the place. No wonder those mysterious bites on my legs came up! (Bite on the butt, Lol Peter!)

Seriously, they were worst than ever before. They were all over everything! I had to spray!

I was worried because some were all over my clean clothes.

And some other garments.

I felt some ants on my arm under my shirt on my way to Brazoria tonight; that made me EXTRA worried.

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