Saturday, August 25, 2007


I was elated today; most of my pain was gone, sores healed up, and swelling down.

Thank you Jesus.

Well, I still had trouble last night, but it was nothing compared to my usual pain. 4 hours later it came back, and I had to sit up for about 6 minutes to let it go away.

I feel so much better. I am so happy about that. It made me frustrated though. We will see what happens though.

Today, went shopping, got some new stuff, and I got my hair done. Yippee. I have bangs again.

Lately, I just haven't been caring; I have been keeping it up in a bun, which gets old.

Now it's straight, and side bangs baby. Now that's hott.

I almost forgot about this post. It is almost 12, and I was like "Oh yeah, I gotta take care of that." I've been doing this for 3 months. :D

Sunday is here, and then it will be Monday, and then Friday. Time goes by so quickly now, it's scary.

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