Thursday, August 16, 2007

No Quiero Saber

Rainy, Rainy, Rainy.

All day.

On and off.

It was so hot, and now it's so wet. I don't think I will ever be satisfied. There are a BUNCH of hurricane warnings for my area. That sucks. Just what I need to throw off my whole schedule. Tomorrow I am going to be so busy. AGAIN. Nothings new. I am surprised. I don't have All American tomorrow, but yet, I am still busy as ever. It's usual now.

I went to the dentist today!! They fixed my bad tooth! Yet ontop of all that, it hurts at random times still. This frustrates me so bad. I have been going through pain for the longest time, and now that I get it fixed, there is still pain. That is so disencouraging. PLUS, my mouth tastes like a cement truck.

Oh well, at least I can sleep on my right side again.

I got 4 taken care of today. I have to go back next Wensday.

I inherited miserable teeth.

I was listening to "No Quiero Saber" by Selena earlier. That song reminds me of "The Wonder Years" and one of those 'Members Only' Jackets.

Don't you love the 80's?

I have been eating a lot of grapes lately.

Breakfast: Grapes

Lunch: Goldfish and Grapes (Not the actual fish Pastel)

Dinner: Beef Stew and Grapes

Just now: Grapes

I don't know what has come over me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do you like the 80's?? DO THE HUSTLE!! :)