Monday, September 10, 2007

Missing You.

Anata ni! Aitakute! Aitakute!

Good song.

So anyway, I have missed 2 days, and at lease 3 in the past week. Sad. I guess I can't keep up. I haven't forgotten about my blog. Never. Unlike that stupid Bloguru one that won't work.

I have to make this sweet and short because I have things to do.

I was up until 2 a.m yesterday doing things and then I turned around and woke up at 6. Things like that make me just want to go kick everything to the curb, and take a vacation to Hawaii. Which is not at all a bad idea.

"Scheduled outage at 11PM PDT."

Hmm, I wonder what that means. LoL

I paid my phone bill yesterday. About time.

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