Sunday, September 2, 2007

Birthday Greetings

Pastel! I talked to you most of today!

Today was my brother's 23rd birthday. We got him a 7-up cake and a stethescope. If that's spelled right.

The reason for one of those is because he is going into nursing school, so. Mom thought it would be appropriate.

I ate some chocolate covered raisins today. So good.

Evil sin.

I did some AP work. College courses are hard.

Right now I am about to do some more.

There was a bat at our church flying around outside. Those things are so dangerous. It's crazy. People were standing and staring at it; I hurried up and got in the car. There was this case about 2 years ago, this boy got bit by one, and he died. He got rabies. This wasn't far from where I live either. He got bit at school :(

My kittens are so big. I wish I wasn't lazy, I would put a picture in but I am too lazy.

Tomorrow is already Monday. Then Tuesday. I won't go to All American, because I am going to be so busy then. Maybe next week.

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